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solving the quiters problem

Tue, Aug 26 2014 5:04 PM (13 replies)
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  • jude29
    3 Posts
    Tue, Aug 26 2014 8:02 AM

    hi,guys I have recently made a suggestion to wgt that the forfeit window should remain open throughout  the game.i find as people lose interest in the game or play a few bad shots they want out asap but cant because the forfeit window is not available they quit and leave everyone else waiting and sometimes messing up the whole game completely it will only help a little  I am sure but it wont solve the whole problem SHOW SUPPORT FOR FORFEIT WINDOW TO STAY OPEN DURING THE GAME,hellp the game for the better contact wgt and help get this introduced we can make this great game even better but I cant do it on my own please contact wgt with your support.ty

  • WGTyphoon
    597 Posts
    Tue, Aug 26 2014 8:37 AM

    Thank you for posting your suggestion here. I hope you find people who believe and support your idea.


  • justacowboy
    1,338 Posts
    Tue, Aug 26 2014 8:50 AM


    hi,guys I have recently made a suggestion to wgt that the forfeit window should remain open throughout  the game.i find as people lose interest in the game or play a few bad shots they want out asap but cant because the forfeit window is not available they quit and leave everyone else waiting and sometimes messing up the whole game completely it will only help a little  I am sure but it wont solve the whole problem SHOW SUPPORT FOR FORFEIT WINDOW TO STAY OPEN DURING THE GAME,hellp the game for the better contact wgt and help get this introduced we can make this great game even better but I cant do it on my own please contact wgt with your support.ty

    +1  to  +100  ......great idea .....too bad  that im a lazy guy or I would send note to WGT

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Tue, Aug 26 2014 10:05 AM


    Good idea.

    If players want to quit a multi-player game, let them quit so others can continue playing. No change to the screen needed and no need to return to the lobby.

    WGT should know the difference between a no-fault disconnect and a player clicking a button to quit a game.

  • spdemon
    1,588 Posts
    Tue, Aug 26 2014 10:12 AM

    WGT should know the difference between a no-fault disconnect and a player clicking a button to quit a game.

    WGT has already said they don't know when a player x-outs a game with that being said it should still give up the extra points for having how ever many players it started with but good idea to let folks leave whenever they want to

  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Tue, Aug 26 2014 10:37 AM

    the one problem i see , what if i'm in the middle of my swing and someone forfeits ?

    is it gonna effect my shot ?


    otherwise i agree , make the forfeit button available at all times ... all that said there will still be azzholes that will just X out anyway ....

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Tue, Aug 26 2014 1:16 PM

    Sounds good , but what you can also do is very very simple .

    First join a country club and create a good friends list . Then play and only play those players from your friends list . I dont know why people make playing this game so hard but they do . Players who are so afraid of shooting a bad round shouldnt play multi- player rounds . Just that simple , so if the initial suggestion doesnt work , try this one .

  • chris2345
    528 Posts
    Tue, Aug 26 2014 3:20 PM

    Leave it as it is, that way WGT gets all the forfeited credits in a skins game. Come on it's a business, they need the money!

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Aug 26 2014 3:22 PM

    Hey Jude, quitters make it bad
    Take forfeit button and make it better
    Remember to leave it open from the start
    Then it will start to make the game better

    Hey Jude, don't be afraid
    You were made to wall post him or her
    The minute you let da quitter under your skin
    Then you begin to abuse the fecker


    I have always been surprised this button is not always available, but I suppose Lonnie gave the prudent advice - as some players will just x out regardless as they are whining little mommy's boys.


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