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Miss the Ding Putter!

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Wed, Aug 27 2014 8:24 PM (9 replies)
  • papagrasutu
    2,495 Posts
    Tue, Aug 26 2014 8:57 PM

    This Rossa is driving me crazy!  Why can I hit 10 birdies with the starter putter and struggle to get 2 per 18 with the Rossa??  Its the forgiveness  that is why.  The Rossa has 2 and the starter putter has 1

    Would it really be too much to ask to make a putter exactly like the starter putter but with topnotch precision so I don't have to completely learn how to putt again??? Please!  Wouldnt just having a putter with 1 forgiveness and increased precision be easy to accomplish?  Give it a shot, I think it would sell, and would take minimal effort on WGT's part.   Thanks

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Aug 26 2014 10:04 PM

    Why can I hit 10 birdies with the starter putter and struggle to get 2 per 18 with the Rossa??

    17 foot dist to pin and 34% says you will not be hitting 10 birds all too often.  Very rarely infact.  

    Map your irons, and that dist to pin under control.  Then (if you do) don't rely on just moving the aim marker alone.  Watch some top players do it and you will be fine, but the putter is a fine one, and so NOT your problem.

    EDIT: Loads if inf >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • papagrasutu
    2,495 Posts
    Wed, Aug 27 2014 3:14 PM

    True, I was just saying what happens on my best days.  My distance to pin stats are much worse than my reality, because I play alot of uneven lies, in which getting it anywhere on the green is a happy day.  The starter is accurate enough to do that from 6 feet, so if I'm getting them close, then I have been able to do that.  The Rossa seems more accurate for long straight putts, but is ridiculously worse for me when i am playing any significant break.  Wontanamo, the miss the ding king, advised me that it took him a good year to adjust from the starter to the Rossa.  A year??!  I've been trying to stick with it for a month, and its driving me nuts.  The idea is a good one, make a premium putter with precision but that has 1 forgiveness instead of 2...what is so bad about that?  And if it saves me relearning a putter for a year, I, and others, will surely buy it.  There are like 50 completely worthless putters for sale...people all buy the same good ones.  What would it take to make 51, that would help all the miss the ding putters, of which I'm guessing there are alot.  Not much.  thanks for your input though, its appreciated.  

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Wed, Aug 27 2014 4:04 PM

    A year??!  I've been trying to stick with it for a month, and its driving me nuts.

    i took me under 2 weeks to get used to the L35 Ghost and I don't think I'll ever switch. But the transition for us off ding putters is always difficult. The different level of forgiveness means a totally different clicking point, which as a consequence means different power. All you need to know is to click farther away from ding and with a bit more power. Try which combo works best for a certaint "bead speed" and stick with it. I know anything more than 3 dots forgivenes is unplayable for my way of putting.

    And if it saves me relearning a putter for a year, I, and others, will surely buy it.  There are like 50 completely worthless putters for sale...people all buy the same good ones.  What would it take to make 51, that would help all the miss the ding putters, of which I'm guessing there are alot.  Not much.

    Programming takes time and money and I'm not sure how many takers there would be for a 1 dot forgiveness putter. But hey, I hope you get 1.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Wed, Aug 27 2014 4:17 PM

    Well, I have 60,000 + putts and have gone through about 5 or so different putters. I began the early/late hit style with the starter and still do. Each putter was slight in difference but different, and required adjustment by me. Each change was an improvement with small time. If not different, why switch ? I now continue using off-ding hits but smaller increments coupled with ding hits. I rarely move the aim arrow. The Daytona was a darn fine putter.

  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Wed, Aug 27 2014 4:47 PM

    I used it back in the day, and I'm a miss-ding putter.  It's good value, but eventually you'll need something more reliable.

    That's when Versa comes into play.  It's a miss-dinger's dream.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Aug 27 2014 7:35 PM

    Downtime this evening.  Never know that end of town Santa might slip in even more choice:)

    Still think you are better of with the Rossa personally, and really just need to give it more of a chance.  I accept putting is v personal though:)


  • papagrasutu
    2,495 Posts
    Wed, Aug 27 2014 8:01 PM

    I had notes that really improved my putting for all the holes.  Can you give me some insight Sweetie?  I didnt understand what you meant by "using off-ding hits but smaller increments coupled with ding hits".  Any insight would be much appreciated. I just missed 3 birdies over 18 by a foot.  I had a moment where my starter putter just started dropping those...i just keep coming up short, wide, long, but rarely in!  I can tell that the Daytona is much better for longer straight putts, and I have made more of those, but the 50% breakers are killing me!  thanks, Paul

  • papagrasutu
    2,495 Posts
    Wed, Aug 27 2014 8:07 PM

    just played my round of First Tee, averaged 7 feet from hole in the low wind, but birdied 6 and bogeyed 4.  Its the putting, lol.  With the starter, i would have at least parred the other four.  I'm making the straight ones, as Rossa hits straighter, getting murdered on the breakers.  Help!  ;-(  Thanks for everyone's comments.  I still think all of you legends might be interested in a one forgiveness putter with 5 precision, as it would allow for wider breadth on your ding.  After a certain amount of break, you run out of room, and the more forgiveness the quicker that happens.  I think it affects you less as you TL's are hitting less than 6 ft from hole most of the time

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Aug 27 2014 8:24 PM

    Starter putter is not precise, and so results will vary.

    TM Green Very Fast (stimp 10) use 85% as the dist calc then add +/1 minis elevation.

    12 away (move aim marker around pin to confirm distance and also over whole line using reverse pitch view) and up that's say 12 feet low wind.  Aim with aim marker and fire.....  Some like to miss a little to hold the line......................Some will  never move the aim marker and do it all by missing, but that latter approach I don't see any great stats coming from it put it that way (prove me wrong as only my experience).

    Hole 1 is what I mean my moving and missing to hold a line (obv different green speed to TM but principle same).

    Loads on green speeds>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>