andyson: 500 rounds at legend while avg. only goes down.
I realize that quote can be interpreted differently, but I recently made Legend, I've played 800 total ranked rounds, and lately my average has been actually going up and down according to what I shoot. I know it's been requested by many to have the average better reflect the player's play, and I think they are doing it to some extent now.
Sorry to get off track a bit, but curious if that's what you mean? As for VEM, all I've ever bitched about is being told I'm not good enough to know when it's my fault or not on a missed putt. I F'n know! This may sound arrogant, but some people have a natural ability for video golf games, and I happen to be one of them. Not saying I don't have much to learn, but I am saying I know when one of my shots got screwed.
Just sick of being told I don't know by people with nothing to go on but my score history. Well, the 7 month's I've played, I would say I've played 85% ranked 18 hole rounds and I challenge anyone to go start to 7 months later playing nothing but paid tourney's and monthly stuff, and not have some crazy numbers. With the exception of a rare few.