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3 People gone maybe 1 more

Sat, Aug 30 2014 1:16 PM (21 replies)
  • JackNicklaus586
    6 Posts
    Fri, Aug 29 2014 7:22 PM

    Spoke with 3 players just tonight that said they are leaving WGT because they can't seem to get their website running right.  Players waiting to connect can't, players having problems with the slider, and then many complain about where they aim compared to where their ball ended up. 

    With me, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.  I had a short pitch shot from the front of the green.  I clicked on the camera behind the green to take a look from the other side and when I clicked back to take my shot I was standing on the other side of the ball (like I was playing as a left hander)  and I my shot was aiming back to the TEE.  No matter what I did, I could not get myself standing on he right side of the ball to shoot at the pin so I thought I would let the timer run out and I could start all over . . . luckily that worked but it was mind boggling.

    Tonight I joined a group and we had 4 people.  After one hole 2 of them got disconnected so that left me and the Touring Pro who started the game, just the 2 of us.  A hole later the touring pro got disconnected and was gone leaving me to play alone.  He set it up for a 45 second timer and I was having a problem with the Slider not moving.  I figured if I finished the round I would get a WIN.  Wouldn't you know it, the slider was working at about 10%, it was slow and I couldn't get my shot off in time so I got penalized 2 strokes, and when I went to take the shot again the slider wasn't working at all . . . well U guessed it, I was disqualified and got nothing out of it for sticking around to play.

    I would hope that WGT gets all these problems fixed  F A S T  or they will be losing a lot more players.

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Fri, Aug 29 2014 9:41 PM

    got nothing out of it for sticking around to play.

    What were you planning on getting?

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Fri, Aug 29 2014 9:43 PM



    Damn, can't seem to post a working link to Ella's Cry me a river. Maybe this 1 will work better...


    ... nope. Must be the httpS thingy. Anyway, I agree with Ray 100 %, hit the road, Jack.


    Edit: Thank you, Jim and MM for showing me how it's done ;-)

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Fri, Aug 29 2014 10:49 PM

    Must be the httpS

    Yep just delete the "s" (assuming not trying that anyway).

    Here ya go:




  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Fri, Aug 29 2014 10:59 PM



    ... nope. Must be the httpS thingy.

    It is.  I see Jim beat me to it though.

    For some reason some YouTube addresses are over a secure server and some aren't.  Just delete the S and it works fine.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Fri, Aug 29 2014 11:14 PM

    Yes. And if the music doesn't work, may I share a service ? Call 1-800-WE-CARE. It's wonderful. They have a staff of highly trained technicians who not only care but sound interested regardless of the issue. And best of all it is only $10 for 3 minutes.  

  • dmatt236
    55 Posts
    Fri, Aug 29 2014 11:26 PM

    real ladylike answer sweetie

  • wbadback57
    137 Posts
    Sat, Aug 30 2014 12:07 AM

    very funny


  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Sat, Aug 30 2014 2:03 AM

    OOOOOOOOOhhhhhh, my head hurts!!!!!

    A short time(maybe 6 wks.) ago I looked the WGT page, which said "Over 8,000,000 members"....

    Today it says "WGT Stats The #1 golf game with over 10 million registered players"...

    Just when they started to make some headway, 4 are leaving "WITH" an announcement of their impending departure as if WGT will go to "Defcon 1", 1 having been here less than a month...and what, maybe 1 out of 100 actually leaves?

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Aug 30 2014 3:10 AM

    I would hope that WGT gets all these problems fixed  F A S T  or they will be losing a lot more players.

    Very informative first post. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

    This must be of grave concern to WGT, after all it looks like you have pumped in enough money to keep the game going for many months.

    Whilst there are bugs, the vast majority of disconnects at the lower levels are players quitting.

    As for meter issues, this is a problem at your end - this game does need the user to optimise their PC for this game, but I guess you know that with all your experience.

    FAST = Facial drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulties and Time