CerinoDevoti:Minimal code is a relative term. As others have now mentioned, anything can go wrong when they fix something. Sometimes I'd rather deal with the workaround than the problems following a fix. ;)
CD, I know what you are saying, but expecting paying customers to create their own workarounds is an unacceptable way to run a business.
Fundamentally, as end users, we should not be making excuses for their flaws.
From what you are saying, this would also stop ALL development of the product because you do not have sufficient faith in your programming team.
Yes the platform itself has limitations, but by stopping all development or implementing improvements will severely stagnate the company growth, in fact would be the death knell IMO.
The company should listen to their customers and make improvements, but unlike seems the case now, they must fully test every aspect of the game before a release.
If the current programmers are not capable of making improvements, then quite simply they should not be employed.