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Here's another one for the ole shouting well

rated by 0 users
Sun, Sep 7 2014 1:52 PM (4 replies)
  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 3:18 PM

    guessing this too will get ignored but what the hell... sht happens right?

    soooo.. my request/suggestion this time would be
    to add a private chatting text filed / check box option to anyone in a multiplayer game.

    this would allow you to share tips and pointers to your
    playing partner without the competing team benefiting from it.

    it would be extremely valuable  in Alt shot or SKINS played as "Best Ball"

    you'd be able to secretly write to a player by clicking a check box next to his/her name,
    or some sort of nickname highlighting for adding more than 1recipiant,
    while doing that, I'd also recommend a "mute" checkbox next to a player's name,
    to help people who are being harassed, avoid getting text sent by that individual.


  • tramilleo
    1,909 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 6:17 PM

    good idea but there are those thin skull-ed who would call it cheating lol. Very nice suggestion, another one is: please fix the AS crashes so that i can use the pass to gain exp for my CC. At present state if you use in multi player game and it crashes you lose the pass. Can you do something about this Shoe???????

  • alosso
    21,093 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 10:32 PM

    add a private chatting text filed / check box option
    TeamSpeak and Skype exist...

    (and this has been a company defense against any further extension of the chat options)

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Sun, Sep 7 2014 7:07 AM


    guessing this too will get ignored but what the hell...

    Just because a suggestion is made does not mean it is a suggestion that WGT winds up implementing,

    While most suggestions are made from a players perspective, WGT is a business and as such their primary goal is perpetuating that business.

    Consequently very, very. very, few of the suggestions made here will ultimately find there way onto the game.

    Extending the Chat capabilities may include a price - making the game programming less stable.


  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Sun, Sep 7 2014 1:52 PM



    guessing this too will get ignored but what the hell...

    Just because a suggestion is made does not mean it is a suggestion that WGT winds up implementing,

    While most suggestions are made from a players perspective, WGT is a business and as such their primary goal is perpetuating that business.

    Consequently very, very. very, few of the suggestions made here will ultimately find there way onto the game.

    Extending the Chat capabilities may include a price - making the game programming less stable.


    Joke's on me then, here I was thinking that happy customers is good business,
    bottom line is, been here 4 years, read hundreds of excellent ideas pitched,
    and can count all those who got picked on 1 hand, meanwhile
    all resources are directed to adding products designed to milk us for  more money
    like the CC Pass and 7 dollar virtual sleeves, 7 dollars! ffs you could feed
    an entire family of homeless people in some AYCE buffets for that amount,
    yet we have unresolved issues and bugs left be for years now.

    honestly, if this section is not being utilized
    might as well X it and save us the time and bandwidth...