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What is WGT doing to take measures against cheaters

Fri, Oct 17 2014 9:39 PM (131 replies)
  • nikic123
    639 Posts
    Mon, Sep 22 2014 7:20 AM

    definitely not a compliment u lost every time in guilds to us .you was definitely using cheat engine in guilds u just sucked at using it .n obviously couldn't work out being the clever guy that u are how to set the hotkeys up proper .it was painful playing you it took so long 

  • krskfr
    458 Posts
    Mon, Sep 22 2014 8:13 AM

    Why are you guys writing long diatribes on cheating? All of you are wasting time venting what you feel is really going on. Do some people cheat? Probably, but we'll never know who. Sometimes i suspect a few players of dodgy behavior, but who am i to label someone with an egregious act of cheating? From where i stand, this is just a FREAKIN game!!!! All of you who take it seriously and judge how well you do in this game with how successful you are in reality, need intense therapy. Being the best in this game means nothing. It just means you have alot of spare time to learn the nuances and the ins and outs of each hole, each green, each lie, etc, etc, etc.  I used to go bizerk when i lost matches a few years ago, but now, i take everything in stride gents - you have to, or you'll go insane. AGENTBROWN123, you my friend, well, i wont comment on your character, but i've been reading your replies to these accusations and all you do is boast how great you are, this and that, and that you've accomplised soooo much more than a person with 4 times the playing experience as you, who cares man? Who really cares!!!!!!!! You're a good player, but so are hundreds of other chaps on here. Ujjbnjk is no cheater, never has been a cheater, but just had an UNBELIEVABLE round at Merion shooting a 51. You know that is possible by making bird on every hole and eagling one of them. To that, i say congrats mate - superb!!!!!! So to all the chaps yapping away back and forward on here, i say chill out, play as well as you can, and let the chips fall where they may. Nature always separates the weak from the strong, its survival of the fittest, deal with it.  Your dearest friend - KRS      BOOOOM

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Mon, Sep 22 2014 10:41 AM


    Why are you guys writing long diatribes on cheating? All of you are wasting time venting what you feel is really going on. Do some people cheat? Probably, but we'll never know who. Sometimes i suspect a few players of dodgy behavior, but who am i to label someone with an egregious act of cheating? From where i stand, this is just a FREAKIN game!!!! All of you who take it seriously and judge how well you do in this game with how successful you are in reality, need intense therapy. Being the best in this game means nothing. It just means you have alot of spare time to learn the nuances and the ins and outs of each hole, each green, each lie, etc, etc, etc.  I used to go bizerk when i lost matches a few years ago, but now, i take everything in stride gents - you have to, or you'll go insane. AGENTBROWN123, you my friend, well, i wont comment on your character, but i've been reading your replies to these accusations and all you do is boast how great you are, this and that, and that you've accomplised soooo much more than a person with 4 times the playing experience as you, who cares man? Who really cares!!!!!!!! You're a good player, but so are hundreds of other chaps on here. Ujjbnjk is no cheater, never has been a cheater, but just had an UNBELIEVABLE round at Merion shooting a 51. You know that is possible by making bird on every hole and eagling one of them. To that, i say congrats mate - superb!!!!!! So to all the chaps yapping away back and forward on here, i say chill out, play as well as you can, and let the chips fall where they may. Nature always separates the weak from the strong, its survival of the fittest, deal with it.  Your dearest friend - KRS      BOOOOM

    Boast? Please fill us all in on when I boasted. I was pretty frank yes. Anyway I think I wasted enough of my time writing to you imbeciles 

    It wasnt a long vent or boast it was an explanation. Big difference

    Speaking of character krskfr. Im not the one who posted dribble on your account, with two.Different accounts. Sorry about that btw, must have been upsetting getting one of your other accounts banned.

    I wont even bother reading nikki's response.


    Bye now

  • saltyballs2211
    84 Posts
    Mon, Sep 22 2014 10:59 AM

    Think this subject run its cause now.?????

    Really is getting boring, just go and enjoy the game for what it is.


  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Mon, Sep 22 2014 12:03 PM



    Anyway I think I wasted enough of my time writing to you imbeciles.

    "No matter what you call the mentally deficient, that term will come to be an insult when applied to people of ordinary intellectual capacity, and not long after it will be seen as an insult to the true idiots, imbeciles , and so forth."

    I accept bets on him for opening a thread where he will quit, but then we'll see him again.Quit again John. Quit is the best thing you can do even for your accomplished stats, as in this case where you can not handle the pressure of criticism in a thread that you expect to be in your favor, you turn your answer in an insult so, which is the real imbecile.

    Please don't answer at this question, you will solve too fast.


  • nikic123
    639 Posts
    Mon, Sep 22 2014 12:33 PM

    not alot u can say about my post iv'e just inserted my peni,s in your back box n penetrated your wgt ego ,thanks for cumin better luck next time 

  • FarFoo
    2,925 Posts
    Mon, Sep 22 2014 3:27 PM



    51 on merion is either a miracle or a cheat. Dansamcam shooting a 55 with me the 3rd week in is proof enough.

    I'm not calling this kid a cheater, but i want proof he isn't at this point.



    It's neither, it's one of wgt's top players playing well and getting lucky on the same round.

    Grow up & live with it.

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Mon, Sep 22 2014 3:51 PM

    "Prove you're not cheating" is akin to "Do you still beat your wife?"

    The burden of proof is not and should never be on the accused nor on the suspected.

    In this, as it is in every case, the burden of proof is on those who administer the site, and they're under no obligation to publicize any results they find nor any consequences they decide to mete out.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, Sep 22 2014 3:58 PM

    Wow, has this thread turned 180 from what I thought it was about.


    I assumed AB made the thread because of an individual who was video'ed using a program, as well as asking his playing partner if he wanted to try it (or similar).


      And now it's come to calling out the leader of the ALS Tourney?


      Bad Form.

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Mon, Sep 22 2014 4:13 PM

    I agree.  All the leader did was go out and shoot a great round of virtual golf.  He's done nothing to warrant any kind of accusation.

    Somewhere the corpse of Franz Kafka is shaking its rotting head, or skull as the case may be.