Why are you guys writing long diatribes on cheating? All of you are wasting time venting what you feel is really going on. Do some people cheat? Probably, but we'll never know who. Sometimes i suspect a few players of dodgy behavior, but who am i to label someone with an egregious act of cheating? From where i stand, this is just a FREAKIN game!!!! All of you who take it seriously and judge how well you do in this game with how successful you are in reality, need intense therapy. Being the best in this game means nothing. It just means you have alot of spare time to learn the nuances and the ins and outs of each hole, each green, each lie, etc, etc, etc. I used to go bizerk when i lost matches a few years ago, but now, i take everything in stride gents - you have to, or you'll go insane. AGENTBROWN123, you my friend, well, i wont comment on your character, but i've been reading your replies to these accusations and all you do is boast how great you are, this and that, and that you've accomplised soooo much more than a person with 4 times the playing experience as you, who cares man? Who really cares!!!!!!!! You're a good player, but so are hundreds of other chaps on here. Ujjbnjk is no cheater, never has been a cheater, but just had an UNBELIEVABLE round at Merion shooting a 51. You know that is possible by making bird on every hole and eagling one of them. To that, i say congrats mate - superb!!!!!! So to all the chaps yapping away back and forward on here, i say chill out, play as well as you can, and let the chips fall where they may. Nature always separates the weak from the strong, its survival of the fittest, deal with it. Your dearest friend - KRS BOOOOM