my supersonic ads here showing in chinese langg, which i dont understand, and why in chinese in the first place, singapore is not F chinese country !
Hmmm I lived in Singapore for 5 years and Chinese ethnicity has the largest percentage with over 74% of the population belonging to this group. Therefore it makes marketing sense for the ads to be in Chinese.
Officially recognised languages are Mandarin, English, Malay and Tamil.
Unofficially Singlish is used - a hybrid.
Local schools (Government run) have Mandarin as a compulsory standard and the quality of English (also compulsory) is pretty dire (but better than Hong Kong).
Hence why many ex-pats choose International Schools (where Mandarin and other languages are optional).
The international school my kids went to have a diverse range of ethnicities - over 60 countries by memory - including Singaporean.