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4-way do you do it?

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Fri, Sep 12 2014 9:13 AM (10 replies)
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  • stevepsheehan
    2,791 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 5:34 AM

    I've already scanned the forum, so I know this is an old issue, but SOME people are managing to send 3, 4, 5 way messages with no problem.

    Our CC Chairman is one of them; he uses IE and Win8, and has no problem at all in sending a group message to 4 others. Once established by him, we can all reply to it normally, which is great.

    However, I'm using Vista, and I've tried several different browsers, but am getting nowhere with setting up a message other than to a single recipient. I get the same problems as most people seem to have, ie enter a second name, and it comes up as either unknown, or offers an apparently random friend.

    So, my question is - obviously it CAN be done, but does anyone know what the criteria are to make it work properly?



  • ScottHope
    10,626 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 5:55 AM

    This is going to be of no help whatsoever to you Steve, but in the 2½ years I've been here, multiple messaging has been a lottery to say the least. Like you, when you start typing in a friends name you usually don't get a friend at all, lol. But having just read your post I thought I'd give it another go, WOW! it actually works, when I type in a friends name or part of it, the system actually finds it.

    Like I said Steve, no help to you but I wonder if it has anything to do with me having very few friends. I'm on Chrome by the way (works in IE too).

  • stevepsheehan
    2,791 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 6:20 AM

    I don't "think" the number of friends is a factor, as the two CC members that can do this OK have 70 and 62 (I have 96), so it's probably not an issue.

    I usually use Chrome, but have also tried IE, Firefox, and Comodo, all to no avail.

    There has to be something, somewhere, that makes this work OK - we just need someone that really understands these systems to get their head around it ;-)

  • ScottHope
    10,626 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 6:25 AM

    I don't know much to be honest but do you have Java installed on your system?

    I also removed and re-installed the .NET framework on my PC a few days ago (I have no idea what that is to be honest) so I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 7:06 AM

    It's not down to the actual number of friends you have, rather you can only add those who are among either the first 20 or 30 (I forget which, old age and beer) on your friends list.  This is not in alphabetical but chronological order.

    You can start a message to friend #164 and add the others, as long as they are among the first 20 or 30 on the list.

    Kinda silly and at times very frustrating but it explains why Scot with his short friends list now has no problems.

  • SamanthaWho
    3,403 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 7:34 AM

    1st's a pain, especially for a CC owner. 

  • stevepsheehan
    2,791 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 7:58 AM

    Thanks. Yes I've tried that now, and as you say, I CAN message the first 20 OK. 

    However, David can include me in his messages, and I'm no. 28 on his list, so that's still not the end of the story. I've just messaged him and asked him to see how far up his list he can go.

    I'll let you know later...

  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 8:17 AM


    However, David can include me in his messages, and I'm no. 28 on his list

    Include you or select you as the original recipient and add the others?  The person you originally click send message to can be anywhere on your list, only the additions have to be in the first 20. 

    Thanks for the confirmation Samantha.

  • stevepsheehan
    2,791 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 8:39 AM

    Not sure if I was the first selected - I assumed not, but the list as I see it comes up alphabetically, so can't be certain until I speak to him.

    However, even if I was the first selected, another recipient is no. 21 on his list, so this still doesn't answer things fully.

    Don't get me wrong here, I'm not trying to say that everyone is wrong about this, but IF David has some "magic combination" of things that do work, if would be a boon for us all, so just trying to get to the bottom of it ;-)

    This is the list of IDs - DJW is the sender, I'm 28 on his list, SteveW65 is 21

    Between DJW2307liam91onekeanostevepsheehanSteveW65


  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 8:55 AM

    Strange, no matter what I try I can't get #21 added to a message.  I've tried starting with someone within the first 20, outside the first 20, adding others first but nothing seems to work.

    It would be nice of this feature worked properly.

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