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rated by 0 users
Sat, Sep 13 2014 1:50 PM (2 replies)
  • tt3girl
    9 Posts
    Fri, Sep 12 2014 4:15 PM

    some1 please tell me y i cannot invite only 1 of my friends but dont seem 2 have a problem with others ??

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Sat, Sep 13 2014 1:26 PM

    What are the player statuses I can select from and what do they mean?

    You can select one of the following statuses for your player:

    READY FOR A GAME: If you select READY FOR A GAME a new menu will appear where you can select which game type you are interested in playing. This will allow other players who are interested in playing the same game type to find you and invite you to play with them. Selecting READY FOR A GAME will turn your status indicator blue.

    AVAILABLE: This will make you available to your friends on your friend list, all other players in the game and allow you to be invited to a game. This will turn your status indicator green.

    AVAILBLE TO FRIENDS ONLY: This will make you available to only your friends on your friend list. No other players will see you as being online. This will turn your status indicator green.

    BUSY: This status will make it so you cannot be invited to a game by any other player. Your status indicator will be red which will tell players that you are online but cannot play a game with them at this time. Your status will automatically become "Busy" when you are playing in a tournament round.

    HIDDEN TO EVERYONE: Selecting this status will make your player appear offline. This will turn your status indicator gray.

    The Status colors will be reflected on the WGT Players page when searching for other player

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Sep 13 2014 1:50 PM

    I wouldn't waste your time Zio, he has been around the traps before.