First things First. Hats off to Yancy for finding a way to add a little fun to the normal everyday grind of WGT. With that said I am going to tell you although fun there is a price to pay for Hunting Easter Eggs, I will Explain.....
Ok so took me 1 time trying before I realized oh crap. Best not use my level 92 vapor Nike Balls to hunt for these Easter Eggs. Not only are you wasting hits on your expensive balls. Heck I hit one or two out of bounds just hunting around. Grrrrr. So I realized what a great time to use some of those very old balls in my bag.
But, That has a price to it also. See to be able to cruise around Pinehurst and hit the ball in them certain areas you want to in hopes of finding an Easter Egg you have to hit some sort of strait shot or possibly like me your even trying to ding the shot to get kinda to a place you want to search. The Price paid here is when you finally return to a regular game. in hopes to shoot a low score and beat your buddies. You find out that holy crap your timing is way off. Grrrr Cant hit the ding takes me 3 or 4 games just to get my timing back. Thus leading to some abnormal golf. LOL. Balls flying everywhere. Just wanted to point that out. Although I am still going to keep hunting. Boy O Boy there goes the Timing. Doc