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Bracket Question

rated by 0 users
Thu, Sep 25 2014 3:10 PM (7 replies)
  • MetricSystem
    7 Posts
    Wed, Sep 24 2014 9:04 PM

    I joined a Bracket Tournament and just finished the first round.  Problem is, it doesn't show a score recorded for me, it's indicating that I still need to play the round, but there's no button allowing me to do so...........any way to solve this and record my proper first round result before the Rd of 16 ends???

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Wed, Sep 24 2014 11:35 PM


    I joined a Bracket Tournament and just finished the first round.  Problem is, it doesn't show a score recorded for me, it's indicating that I still need to play the round, but there's no button allowing me to do so...........any way to solve this and record my proper first round result before the Rd of 16 ends???

    Sometimes you just need to refresh your browser.  Also any time you finish a round you want to make sure you go back to the main menu before closing out the window.  Unfortunately we can't reset the bracket to put you back in.


    - WGTdbloshoe


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Sep 25 2014 12:28 AM


    I joined a Bracket Tournament and just finished the first round.  Problem is, it doesn't show a score recorded for me, it's indicating that I still need to play the round, but there's no button allowing me to do so...........any way to solve this and record my proper first round result before the Rd of 16 ends???

    AFAIK, your score will be shown only when your opponent has played his round. If he WDs, it will be delayed until the end of the round. You should then get a mail notice about the result. Caveat: The link "play next round" will beam you to the 1st tee immediately and force you to play or WD - you better use the link in your game client.

    This game client link may be the only way to see the bracket before the first round ends.

  • MetricSystem
    7 Posts
    Thu, Sep 25 2014 7:41 AM



    I joined a Bracket Tournament and just finished the first round.  Problem is, it doesn't show a score recorded for me, it's indicating that I still need to play the round, but there's no button allowing me to do so...........any way to solve this and record my proper first round result before the Rd of 16 ends???

    Sometimes you just need to refresh your browser.  Also any time you finish a round you want to make sure you go back to the main menu before closing out the window.  Unfortunately we can't reset the bracket to put you back in.


    - WGTdbloshoe


    Well, it is the next morning, and it still has a red exclamation point next to the event in my game client window, despite my having played the Round to completion.  I feel like this answer isn't exactly one that is going to do much for me, looks as though I'm going to be out the entry fee b/c it seems like the client isn't even recognizing my participation in the tournament.

    And as per this response, though it was prompt.............that makes me just plain out of luck.

  • MetricSystem
    7 Posts
    Thu, Sep 25 2014 8:30 AM

    If a WGT Admin wants to do a specific follow-up, please just check tournament ID: 68016 and see if my first round score was logged correctly, even though I understand that it may not show up yet if my opponent has not played.

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Thu, Sep 25 2014 1:05 PM



    I joined a Bracket Tournament and just finished the first round.  Problem is, it doesn't show a score recorded for me, it's indicating that I still need to play the round, but there's no button allowing me to do so...........any way to solve this and record my proper first round result before the Rd of 16 ends???

    AFAIK, your score will be shown only when your opponent has played his round. If he WDs, it will be delayed until the end of the round. You should then get a mail notice about the result. Caveat: The link "play next round" will beam you to the 1st tee immediately and force you to play or WD - you better use the link in your game client.

    This game client link may be the only way to see the bracket before the first round ends.

    All true except for the part I highlighted. If the opponent actually WDs during his round and you've already played yours, both of your scores will be shown immediately, with the other guy showing as WD. The only time you have to wait for the round to end to see the score is when your opponent doesn't play his round (or doesn't finish it) and never actually clicks the WD button. He will however be shown as WD after the round timer expires.

    @ OP

    If there's no Tee off tab or no notice "You missed the cut", you're still in it and your score was recorded. Just wait for the round timer to expire.

    P.S. All of the above was written under the assumption we're talking about a 24 hour bracket, not the speed one.


  • MetricSystem
    7 Posts
    Thu, Sep 25 2014 3:07 PM




    I joined a Bracket Tournament and just finished the first round.  Problem is, it doesn't show a score recorded for me, it's indicating that I still need to play the round, but there's no button allowing me to do so...........any way to solve this and record my proper first round result before the Rd of 16 ends???

    AFAIK, your score will be shown only when your opponent has played his round. If he WDs, it will be delayed until the end of the round. You should then get a mail notice about the result. Caveat: The link "play next round" will beam you to the 1st tee immediately and force you to play or WD - you better use the link in your game client.

    This game client link may be the only way to see the bracket before the first round ends.

    All true except for the part I highlighted. If the opponent actually WDs during his round and you've already played yours, both of your scores will be shown immediately, with the other guy showing as WD. The only time you have to wait for the round to end to see the score is when your opponent doesn't play his round (or doesn't finish it) and never actually clicks the WD button. He will however be shown as WD after the round timer expires.

    @ OP

    If there's no Tee off tab or no notice "You missed the cut", you're still in it and your score was recorded. Just wait for the round timer to expire.

    P.S. All of the above was written under the assumption we're talking about a 24 hour bracket, not the speed one.


    Cool, thank you for the clarification.........and yes it's a regular bracket, not speed.

  • MetricSystem
    7 Posts
    Thu, Sep 25 2014 3:10 PM

    Final Update.........

    The other guy played and now both our scores are posted correctly.  I understand now how it works :)