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Shot Pal Display

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Thu, Oct 9 2014 6:34 PM (25 replies)
  • Rifle57
    71 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 9:46 AM

    Does anyone know how to get rid of the Shot Pal and Putter Pal Tab that is now at bottom under swing meter bar. It's kind of distracting and it also blocks my vgg caddy increments on certain shots. Thanks.



  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 9:59 AM

    it under games settings....scroll down to nearly the bottom...Both are there!

  • Rifle57
    71 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 10:06 AM

    I always had those turned off, since the latest update the tab is grey until you click on it and it turns green to activate the shot pal and putter pal. I want to get rid of that tab at bottom. Thanks

  • ScottHope
    10,624 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 10:17 AM

    To totally get rid of the button you have to use up all the shots that you have left with the shot/putter pal, then the button will disappear.

  • jgertcher
    108 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 10:17 AM

    Hope this helps... go to the screen to pick a game and click on menu below your name. ffind either options or game settings, scroll down till you find shot and/or putter pal and click on the off choice and that will stop the display.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 10:28 AM
    The button won't disappear as he's in a large club.
  • ScottHope
    10,624 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 10:35 AM

    When you've used up all your shot/putter pal hits the button will disappear.

  • QuickRounds
    15 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 10:45 AM


    Does anyone know how to get rid of the Shot Pal and Putter Pal Tab that is now at bottom under swing meter bar. It's kind of distacting and IT also BLOCKS MY VGG caddy increments on certain shots. Thanks.



    yep and that is probably why they added it because they do NOT want people to use another program instead of their shot/putt pal....just my .2 cents.


    Best regards,


  • TDeBaker
    188 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 11:30 AM

    I am in the same boat.  Both "pals" are turned off in options, but my CC has unlimited "pals" so I can't use them up.  The toggle is very distracting, crammed in like it is overlapping the "business" end of the meter and really diminishes the quality of gameplay.

    In hopes WGT and others read this forum I will include the feedback I have tried to send to WGT.

    Dear WGT design team:

    While the Shot Pal toggle button seems handy enough for players who use either shot or putter pal, it is placed in a very distracting place.  The left side of the meter is the “business end” where this button overlapping the meter and visually interfering with shots significantly diminishes the quality and enjoyment of game play.

    Just from a design perspective, cramming it in like that has a very poor aesthetic in a game that usually has a very high standard for aesthetics.

    Here are a couple suggestions to improve the situation.

    Move the button.  The “business end” of the meter should be unencumbered and free from visual distractions. 

    The best place for it would be in the club selection menu, next to “putter” and below the 8 and 9 iron.  This way players can toggle it easily and it would not be a visual distraction for anyone.

    If it has to be on the main view window please move it to the right of the meter. Making it smaller and vertical would allow it to fit between the meter and the golf ball.

    Also if it must be on the main page, and especially if it is not moved to an unoffending location, please make it such that it is only present IF shot pal or putter pal are selected on in game options. 

    Those of us who do not use these products would appreciate it.

    Thank You


  • Docwormburner
    267 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 12:05 PM


    I am in the same boat.  Both "pals" are turned off in options, but my CC has unlimited "pals" so I can't use them up.  The toggle is very distracting, crammed in like it is overlapping the "business" end of the meter and really diminishes the quality of gameplay.

    In hopes WGT and others read this forum I will include the feedback I have tried to send to WGT.

    Dear WGT design team:


    While the Shot Pal toggle button seems handy enough for players who use either shot or putter pal, it is placed in a very distracting place.  The left side of the meter is the “business end” where this button overlapping the meter and visually interfering with shots significantly diminishes the quality and enjoyment of game play.


    Just from a design perspective, cramming it in like that has a very poor aesthetic in a game that usually has a very high standard for aesthetics.


    Here are a couple suggestions to improve the situation.


    Move the button.  The “business end” of the meter should be unencumbered and free from visual distractions. 


    The best place for it would be in the club selection menu, next to “putter” and below the 8 and 9 iron.  This way players can toggle it easily and it would not be a visual distraction for anyone.


    If it has to be on the main view window please move it to the right of the meter. Making it smaller and vertical would allow it to fit between the meter and the golf ball.


    Also if it must be on the main page, and especially if it is not moved to an unoffending location, please make it such that it is only present IF shot pal or putter pal are selected on in game options. 


    Those of us who do not use these products would appreciate it.

    Thank You


