For temporary relieve, you can hide it with the task manager's CPU Usage. It also comes in handy if you like to wait for the CPU to calm down before you release the swing.
Please, PLEASE WGT, take away the button or at least give us a chance to turn it off!
ScottHope: When you've used up all your shot/putter pal hits the button will disappear.
When you've used up all your shot/putter pal hits the button will disappear.
Thanks Scott but that means we have to use something we never used before, payed for or asked for, any other ideas?
Well, they didn't move it, but it is smaller and less obtrusive. Since I use neither, it's also not green.
I can live with it now.
lets boycott the game .and see if they can sort that out,and while there at it the jerky meter,i very much doubt it guys.have live with it like rest of the crap things in here on this so called free game!! lol..
hw out just moving I abov the shot meter incs.wold be easier to rad for those who use it and non distracting for those who on,t happy herby