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how to set club vs club games

rated by 0 users
Fri, Oct 10 2014 6:34 AM (5 replies)
  • DalePaBajo
    973 Posts
    Thu, Oct 9 2014 9:22 AM

    Hello WGT,


    A few of my CC members are asking me how to start a club vs club match.  I have also heard about the club clash events, but I don't know where to set those up.

    I read this article, but could not get the info I was looking for

    If anyone can give me some information on how to set them up I would appreciate it a lot.

    Thank you.  :-)

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Thu, Oct 9 2014 10:47 AM


    Hello WGT,


    A few of my CC members are asking me how to start a club vs club match.  I have also heard about the club clash events, but I don't know where to set those up.

    I read this article, but could not get the info I was looking for

    If anyone can give me some information on how to set them up I would appreciate it a lot.

    Thank you.  :-)

    You can go into the game client window and click on where it says my country club.  You can start it from there.  You will be then paired up with another club, which could take up to 5 minutes.  Once you are matched up, the clash begins.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • DalePaBajo
    973 Posts
    Thu, Oct 9 2014 11:00 AM

    I dont see that option once I get into the club home page using the client window.

    My options are Home, Members, Bank, Benefits, Leaderboards, Forums and Help.

    Does my CC have to be on a specific level to do this?  We are on level 5.


    Thanks  in advance for your help.  :-)

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Thu, Oct 9 2014 11:20 AM


    I dont see that option once I get into the club home page using the client window.

    My options are Home, Members, Bank, Benefits, Leaderboards, Forums and Help.

    Does my CC have to be on a specific level to do this?  We are on level 5.


    Thanks  in advance for your help.  :-)

    A CC vs CC Event has not started yet.  There should be one starting in about a hour.  WGT initiates the Event.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • stevepsheehan
    2,791 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 2:37 AM


    A few of my CC members are asking me how to start a club vs club match.  

    Generally speaking, Inter-CC tourneys are set up by a member from each CC - often the CC owner, but could be anyone that fancies organising it. They are usually an informal arrangement, on whatever basis your CC fancies.

    Typically, both CCs put forward a team, players are matched according to ability, and they organise themselves to play one-on-one matchplay or whatever.

    That's the simplest format - things can get far more complex once you get into it, eg the Time Zones League, or the current Grand Prix.

    You'll find a list of CC contacts here: Inter CC Contacts Directory and I'm sure any one of them would be happy to set up a comp with your CC, and guide you through the organisation etc.

    Re the "Club Clashes", I wouldn't bother, as they are simply a way for WGT to milk us of more and more cash, and the winner is simply the CC that plays the most games over a set time period - little to do with skill or ability, just who can buy the most passes to play the most games :-(


  • DalePaBajo
    973 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 6:34 AM

    Hi Steve,

    Thank you a lot for this information.  I agree w/ you about the Club Clashes because I just experienced it now that if you dont have a club pass you can't play on them.

    I will look in to the list you sent me and try to schedule one of these true club vs club matches.

    thanks again!  :-)