A few of my CC members are asking me how to start a club vs club match.
Generally speaking, Inter-CC tourneys are set up by a member from each CC - often the CC owner, but could be anyone that fancies organising it. They are usually an informal arrangement, on whatever basis your CC fancies.
Typically, both CCs put forward a team, players are matched according to ability, and they organise themselves to play one-on-one matchplay or whatever.
That's the simplest format - things can get far more complex once you get into it, eg the Time Zones League, or the current Grand Prix.
You'll find a list of CC contacts here: Inter CC Contacts Directory and I'm sure any one of them would be happy to set up a comp with your CC, and guide you through the organisation etc.
Re the "Club Clashes", I wouldn't bother, as they are simply a way for WGT to milk us of more and more cash, and the winner is simply the CC that plays the most games over a set time period - little to do with skill or ability, just who can buy the most passes to play the most games :-(