*10 super passes per club... first come first serve?
*What's up with the clocks? One says "clash ends in 25 hrs" and the other two have different times as well.
*Please clarify the 4 events per clash. I played a round at St. An's and when I tried to play again, it took me back to the same course.
And yet me say thanks for trying to create new things, wgt.
The number of super passes you have will depend on your CC Level. You can go into owner tools and designate what type of player, Veteran, recruit, and so on can use them.
So the CC Event is 26 hours long. Each clash within that event will be 6 hours with the last one being 8 I believe. So there is the Overall CC vs CC Event and then clashes within that.
With this event there are 3 courses involved. Each clash will randomly select from those three courses. So the next clash you play in 5 hours could be on a different course.
- WGTdbloshoe