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CC vs CC Event

Wed, Mar 14 2018 5:17 AM (977 replies)
  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Oct 16 2014 11:50 AM




    May I present to you this for your consideration? It seems to fit somewhere...

    (You may want to copy it to your local drive for further use)

    This may be a language problem.

    Please clarify your intent.

    It was not only meant for you.

    Look at the link, look at my rabbit ;)

  • ThreeSpot
    476 Posts
    Thu, Oct 16 2014 11:55 AM


    Thank you WGT. What is done is done. Time to move on.

    I must disagree. There are 2 open issues here.

    1) Justice and Fair Play are not served by allowing the results to stand, nor by allowing a player who knowingly "exploited a loophole" to continue using equipment that apparently gives him a better chance in RGs and other competitions for credits.

    2) WGT lacks an effective QA methodology, and has yet to even acknowledge that there is a pre-release testing issue, much less commit to fixing it.

    It appears to be lost on WGT that an effective solution for #2 would have prevented the issue in #1. IMO, the community should continue to hammer WGT until both issues are resolved. 

  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Thu, Oct 16 2014 11:55 AM


    This image is missing something. Shouldn't the bird's wings be flapping wildly?

    I see a twin la dee dee da doo da day.....

    WGT, I'd like to be your PR man. If you give me an interview for the job, I promise to answer all your questions promptly and honestly.

  • RyjaTybas
    5,153 Posts
    Thu, Oct 16 2014 12:13 PM

    Speaking as a disgruntled CC owner I have 4 main complaints

    1.      I and my CC were dragged into this “event” with no clear information about when it started, when it would finish, or what the rules were. But we undertook it in good faith.

    2.      After playing my regulation “free CC pass” round, on a designated course, I find that some CCs (and/or specific members) exploited some loopholes to win a “golden” putter (or putters).

    3.      I then learn that the holder/holders of these putters are raking in loads of credits by winning the high-stakes RGs.

    4.      And worst of all, WGT has made no comment about this, apart from a “thank you for playing” post right after the event.

    But there are serious concerns, raised by long-standing members and CC owners that need to be addressed.



  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Thu, Oct 16 2014 12:21 PM


     From the desk of Mrbig 

            Dear WGT community ,

    I am sorry this turned into something more than it should have .  I went away for a few days and left my teenage kids home alone , and they said that there would be no wild party or strangers in the house .

    I came home and found this . I can not blame my kid,s , So as the father I wish to say Sorry the the community and I will make it right .

              Dear WGT ,

    Please help me make this right . I did not want something like this to happen in WGT land . Please take back the Golden putter and give them credits to MrCaddie for the Christmas give away 2014 


    Mr Big is the owner of said CC   .  The stranger at the party was the player that joined his club the day of the event , got the putter and left .

    The dear WGT is said owner of that CC asking WGT to give the credits to MrCaddie for the Christmas Giveaway .


  • RyjaTybas
    5,153 Posts
    Thu, Oct 16 2014 12:27 PM

    Mr Big is the owner of said CC

    That's a funny parody of what Mr Big might have said. I laughed when it first cropped up on page whatever.

    But all we get is the Sound of Silence

  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Thu, Oct 16 2014 12:58 PM


    I just posted this in another thread thingy...

    Seriously, why is everyone surprised by this?

    Where did both the founders of WGT work prior to starting WGT? took me 10 minutes on google:

    How about here:

    What. A. Surprise.


    If you read the original business proposal white paper submitted, I can't remember where now but it is available online, you'll read in there all kinds of references to 'online poker, online gambling' etc...

    The gist of it is how they keep reiterating over and over, how wgt . com is not a gambling website/business. Well ya, no gamble for sure - not for them, they're basically swindling and lying through their teeth and making it up as they go along. 



  • TheDuckinator
    1,691 Posts
    Thu, Oct 16 2014 2:53 PM



    Where's Courtney?

    That's a very good question Miffy. She has been unusually quiet on this subject. Hmmmm,  wonder why???



  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Thu, Oct 16 2014 3:00 PM

    thanks for clearing that up opy - i actually thought mrbig was mrwgt lol - oops.

    so, wgt said nothing of the sort - never mind :)

  • happyman123uk
    1,242 Posts
    Thu, Oct 16 2014 3:12 PM




    Where's Courtney?

    That's a very good question Miffy. She has been unusually quiet on this subject. Hmmmm,  wonder why???




    Same place as WGT Hiding in a cupboard waiting for it to blow over