Unbelievable Mr Baggese...that Courteney should have to explain or answer ANY of these questions.
As a CC owner, would YOU take responsibility for every action of your members? I think not!
Your questions are stupid, ludicrous & infantile.
Sorry to offend, but it's how I feel
Did your two brain cells collide into each other again?
My question was simple and non accusatory.
I asked what her views were on her members that setup and played the Tourney.
I still don't see a response BTW.
Now I have to go back through 80+ pages and see where you defended BSB, by your tone with me, you surely must have went off the deep end on those who have accused his of "not doing the right thing", etc.
Well, looking through your activity page, that post to me was your only input into this thread...
Very high standards you have young lady.