Having read of, and posted numerous times on, the lack of communication from WGT, it leads me to one and only one conclusion.
They want you to go away, leave them alone...but be sure to spend money.
There are countless threads with "WGT please answer" etc, yet they do not. Nor do I believe they will in any meaningful way.
The site was down earlier. Nothing on the News page about it...still the headline is the Ryder Cup - 3 weeks old today. Averages were changed, not a mention on the news page.
Any business that treats its customers in this way usually, ultimately learns a harsh lesson. Technology is getting increasingly inexpensive, and when a golf game comes along of comparable quality, and it will, with better service and communication (which could be accomplished by Benedictine Monks), people will vote with their fingers.
Two of them, in a V formation