Sensible post of the infrequent few :)
Even the next clash may not be perfect, but I'm sure WGT will try to close all loopholes.
Think we all agree the premise is a gud un ?
Still, it will be hard to address the disparity between larger and smaller CCs..
No matter if they take into account 'active' members.........and there will always be those who are cash or credit rich that can 'change the playing field'
It always was, going to be, a cash cow...buying passes
^^ WGT don't do this out of the goodness of their hearts..
It's a business after all, and without them making a profit, the site we invest so many hours and $$ into , wouldn't exist !!
I was a bit surprised / disappointed @ the vitriol that ensued after the 1st,
Tho I understood where many were coming from....( facetious fools aside )
It's like buying new irons when you level / tier up..
There is always a slight learning curve, might take you 3 or 4 goes to get it right ?
It'll all come out ok in the wash :))