Clubbanditos are asking for club comp active members to join us, we are a level 7 club, if you wish to join a club but not join in club events then its not the club for you. We have lots going on in club, such as;
- 10 monthly OPEN Tournaments
- 10 monthly HANDICAP Tournaments
- 10 monthly CTTH Tournaments
- Virtual Tour monthly handicap (based on WGT Tour)
- Last man standing 9 and 18 hole handicap (based on WGT weeklies)
- Multi round monthly handicap (based on WGT multi)
- Regular Stableford comps, team and single
- Matchplay league with divisions (promotion/relegation)
- Putting comps
All events have ranking points to go toward order of merit league table
That is just some of the things we have ongoing. All we ask is that you introduce yourself on forum, and if not input, then read it so that you miss nothing. Should be min pro level, to show the game is not just a passing phase and you intend to join in. Great fun in alt games with each other every day/night.
We would love some Tour Masters/Legends also who can jump straight in with our alt shot games and Matchplay leagues.
Friend me if you want any more info and if join then i have an intro thread on forum explaining everything but im always on hand to assist new members.
Bubbs (Hard working Director, by choice lol)