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Yes, it's an effing announcement

Sat, Oct 18 2014 1:31 PM (144 replies)
  • br1b3
    91 Posts
    Fri, Oct 17 2014 7:29 AM


    what thread you reading jim ? lol id say is perfect thread, is about cheaters right? Sorry forgot im not tour legend with a fake average so my points invalid ;)

    Unless you were being sarcastic with your comment that I referred to, it's obvious the cheating the OP referred to had nothing to do with his own ability/inability to play. Neither his average nor mine are fake. His is saturated and mine isn't. Nothing fake there.

    This isn't about cheating, it's about the OP's indignation at having learned formerly respectable golfers actually used an aid and laughed at how they were hosing players in RGs with it. That goes beyond cheating.

    So it not about people Cheating,it is beyond cheating glad you cleared that one up jim lol

    Yes was sarcasm Jim.

  • Jresh0817
    1,414 Posts
    Fri, Oct 17 2014 7:48 AM

    Not that I am a big RG player or play matchplay for credits that often...But after learning about some players who I looked up too as WGT greats using aids to help them win credits..I will never play another big RG...just pointless knowing you have zero shot vs these type of players...or at least  I won't enter a RG if I see these players entered..Just very disheartening indeed

  • Romax
    1,876 Posts
    Fri, Oct 17 2014 8:04 AM

                                                 THE MAN IN THE GLASS

      When you get what you want in your struggle for self.

             And the world makes you King for a day

            Just go to a mirror and look at yourself

            And see what that man has to say

    For it isn't your Father or Mother or Wife

           Whose judgement upon you must pass

           The guy whose verdict counts most in your life

           Is the guy staring back from the glass

          Hes the fellow to please, never mind all the rest

          For hes with you clear up to the end

     And you've passed your most dangerous difficult task

          If the guy in the glass is your friend.

      You may be like Jack Horner and "chisel" a plum, and think your a wonderful guy

      But the man in the glass says your only a bum if you can't look him straight in the eye.

    You can fool the whole world down the pathway of years and get pats on the back as you pass.

    But your final reward will be heartaches and tears

    If you've cheated the man in the glass.                                                                                           

                                                                            Dale Wimbrow (1934)


  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Fri, Oct 17 2014 9:24 AM

    The trouble with these cheats Romax is they look in the glass and say man I sure pulled one over on these chumps. If they felt bad or had a moments pause about cheating they would not do it in the first place. They think the honest players are the losers. They need to be outed...................WGT will never do it...........loss of revenue. A LOT of revenue.

  • ISH47
    1,963 Posts
    Fri, Oct 17 2014 10:05 AM

    Out them at best.


    Or else, why even bring it up?  Most of the ones who get the riddles and inside jokes are on each other's friend list so why not just PM? Whatever...

  • PBaldwin
    108 Posts
    Fri, Oct 17 2014 10:34 AM

    So who is it that's cheating?  I must be missing something as I see no proof.  I'll continue to work on my game, which I still feel needs a ton of work, instead of blaming it on cheaters.  I still manage to do ok in brackets and ready goes so I just don't see it.

  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Fri, Oct 17 2014 10:56 AM

    F*ck, this just goes around in circles with you people. There are long time players on here who know who the cheater are, hell they've played with them, came up in the ranks with them and know they're still running cheats.

    The ones who kept it up and kept using CheatEngine (you reading this mr moderator? you know who you are, right?) got together and all but blacklisted the 'honest' players who would not follow suit. 

    A long long time player here, not sure how he refrains from not putting and end to some of this crap, told me that he has been on Skype while the 'cheaters' have been discussing how to setup up and config CE to be used. This is one of the most respected players on WGT.. so buddy if you read this, why not come in here and out these little pr*icks? So what if they kill your account, make another one. You really think this place is gonna be around that much longer anyway? lol

    This game, as it has been developed, is physically impossible to guard against cheating. It is the very nature of Flash, it was and is not the platform to develop and release a game this complex in nature on, period. There is no way to stop them.

    Cheat Engine is not the only 'tool' available to manipulate this game, there are about half a dozen ways, possible more, to manipulate the output client window you play on in order to 'slow the meter', once you know the rate of deflection caused by wind, well plotting your landing is pretty easy. I mean you need to do some legwork in that part, but if you're intent on beating the wind, why not. Almost anything that you interact with in that window can be manipulated from your perspective. To make your shots easier and give you a much higher percentage of dropping the ball at the pin. 

    Question is why do that? Takes a lot of work, and really...

    You're like the idiots in FPS's who run around snapping on players, using Mombot then jump into the forums bitching because you were banned? Yes, you're that fu*kin stupid and obvious.  Give your head a shake, coming in here and trying to defend, 'superior skills'... It's laughable n sad really that you actually think people are that gullible. 

    Gawd, it's golf, supposed to challenging, fun, skills. But I guess when you offer up any sort of prize or reward system, they come out of the woodwork. Problem here is, WGT knows and actually encourages the practice. Trying to deny or comment otherwise just makes you look like an idiot. 


  • 1yes1no
    223 Posts
    Fri, Oct 17 2014 11:43 AM

    There are programs out there that will calculate which club and how much power to use for distance, wind, elevation, that's pretty common for some folks and most of us realize that.  But beyond that there are programs that also will automatically hit the ding for you.  And beyond that there are programs that can be set to click when an area of the screen changes color.  That would allow someone with just a little understanding to set the program up to hit the ball whenever the color change occurred where the mouse pointer was located.  Then you could put your mouse pointer anywhere on the bar and that is where the shot would be hit.  Off-ding.  Left or right of ding.

    That is reality and if someone has the gamer mentality of "cheat first and best or be cheated" well there is no fixing that.  I doubt that they would even care that the programs they use can open up their computer to virus, malware, or even worse, remote control and keylogging.

    With a "client-side" game, WGT cannot really stop cheating, no matter how many of us wish they could.

  • russellfahey
    4,286 Posts
    Fri, Oct 17 2014 12:33 PM

    This thread had my interest,and left me scratching my head as  to who it maybe.Thankfully i didn't have to do a lot of detective work lol.Found answer in another thread :)


  • Romax
    1,876 Posts
    Fri, Oct 17 2014 12:52 PM


    This thread had my interest,and left me scratching my head as  to who it maybe.Thankfully i didn't have to do a lot of detective work lol.Found answer in another thread :)


    Can you post a link to that thread please? I'd like to have a look and I'm sure others would too.  Thanks.