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Witch hunt ! ?

Sat, Oct 18 2014 5:45 PM (19 replies)
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  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 3:07 PM
    • WGTicon United States
      11,114 Posts
      Sat, Oct 18 2014 1:31 PM

    hey guys

    enough of this. please take your witch hunt to salem, mass or wait a few weeks.


    end qoute;

    Witch hunt icon. Really?

    This was a thread exposing players who openly admit using a Cheat engine / cheat program / Cheat-ing, period. I agree to a point closing the thread but to close a topic that has exposed a openly admitted cheater and then to refer to the topic as a "witch hunt" is wrong. Then to throw in the Salem MA makes it sound as if this exposure is NOT a serious topic. My goodness.  As a moderator for WGT it looks as if  you could care less that something as serious as "openly admitting using a CHEAT program” is accepted by WGT.


  • Lizard69
    2,006 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 3:39 PM

    Might be that the "witch hunt" was about some that were falsely accused in that same thread?

    I was named as a cheat in that thread and I object in the strongest possible terms but my words mean nothing, my 60+ youtube video's clearly mean nothing..

    For the record, I shared "that chat" because it was the right thing to do, lambast me all you like, I did the right thing..

    All this said, I will gladly record/live stream every rg I play for a week or more but I know it wont please those who believe I'm cheating..

    I wonder if any other top earners would offer to do the same? I doubt it, nay, I guarantee it..

    Point your fingers in another direction..

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 3:46 PM

    Might be that the "witch hunt" was about some that were falsely accused in that same thread?

    Nah. Exposure in any form is exposure. If your name is /  was exposed in the topic then something is clearly not kosher. I know I surly wouldn't want my name exposed and or associated with anything remotely attributed to using a CHEAT ENGINE.

  • Jresh0817
    1,414 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 3:52 PM


    • WGTicon United States
      11,114 Posts
      Sat, Oct 18 2014 1:31 PM

    hey guys

    enough of this. please take your witch hunt to salem, mass or wait a few weeks.


    end qoute;

    Witch hunt icon. Really?

    This was a thread exposing players who openly admit using a Cheat engine / cheat program / Cheat-ing, period. I agree to a point closing the thread but to close a topic that has exposed a openly admitted cheater and then to refer to the topic as a "witch hunt" is wrong. Then to throw in the Salem MA makes it sound as if this exposure is NOT a serious topic. My goodness.  As a moderator for WGT it looks as if  you could care less that something as serious as "openly admitting using a CHEAT program” is accepted by WGT.



  • 777999
    2,111 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 4:01 PM

    Thank you and totally agree ICON!!!

    Those who cheat are only in reality cheating themselves and will in the end ultimately be ferreted out!!!   There are very effective anti cheat programs out there and no doubt in time those who use them will pay the price!!!  Besides, there are truly no such thing as witches!!!  (Not even that evil old woman that lives next door to me!!!)

    Phil  aka., Coyote

  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 4:08 PM


    Remember when you told me you saw players on Skype discussing how to setup and use CE in the game?

    I wonder who that was... you never did say. 


    I know you have this rep around here now, but you were around with this all started here a long time ago, you know who used it and who's more than likely using it now to a great extent. 

    Everyone just trying to protect their little piece of WGT and their account... There is nothing left here... good gawd, are you blind? 


    The floodgates are busted be flooding. Hell last time it was this bad Noah built a f*ckin big boat ! (apparently that's the story anyway)

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 4:13 PM


    I wonder if any other top earners would offer to do the same? I doubt it, nay, I guarantee it..

    That's a weak guarantee Andrew :-) One day's play already loaded for all to see, but I play too much to do that every day. Am looking into twitch now.....

  • Lizard69
    2,006 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 4:24 PM



    I wonder if any other top earners would offer to do the same? I doubt it, nay, I guarantee it..

    That's a weak guarantee Andrew :-) One day's play already loaded for all to see, but I play too much to do that every day. Am looking into twitch now.....

    I was referring to folks with no videos at all..

    Would appear that videos/live streaming mean nothing anyway

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 4:31 PM

    I wonder if any other top earners would offer to do the same?

    I will!!!! Does "earnings' have to come from wins? Or can they be from videos and surveys (I know I'm in the top 5 on this-400+ every day)?


  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 4:31 PM

    They mean plenty Andrew. We know you are sound.

    Which of these broadcast tools should I be using? I have a decent spec PC, but can't have the meter affected.

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