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I'm not mad then!!!.

Wed, Jul 22 2015 9:31 AM (65 replies)
  • willy53
    42 Posts
    Mon, Oct 20 2014 11:46 AM

    Dear all,

                Just read the interesting posts by numerous players complaining about lightening meter speed up just before ding,that is impossible to catch, and good balls always going into scrub/bunkers/water etc., funny that you always forfeit the ball, in real life you would make sure you got it back, unless you've sliced it into the middle of a lake?, thank God I thought it was just me being paranoid about this game, but I see all of you are complaining about the way WGT is screwing around with the game.

                 Have you also noticed that the law of physics doesn't seem to apply sometimes on the greens, you tap a putt downhill and miss the hole, the next shot should naturally be uphill but it is still reading downhill? very strange. It's a bit of a shame really when it's the best golf game out here, and the difference between front & back nine in tourneys is a joke, thanks for the tip about shutting down after front nine, but I still feel as though I'm being watched by Big Brother while playing, no its just me being paranoid again, isn't it?.

  • ScottHope
    10,672 Posts
    Mon, Oct 20 2014 4:19 PM

    Have you also noticed that the law of physics doesn't seem to apply sometimes on the greens, you tap a putt downhill and miss the hole, the next shot should naturally be uphill but it is still reading downhill?
    Your putt could be like this...

    ↓↓ EDIT : Thank you ISH, the arty genes in our family all went to my brother but I can draw a line or three okay.  : ) ↓↓

  • ISH47
    1,963 Posts
    Mon, Oct 20 2014 4:27 PM

    Sweet illustration Scott..

  • Eagle448
    1 Posts
    Mon, Oct 20 2014 6:22 PM

    Does anyone else have the issue when clicking the left mouse button and it doesn't work? Happens at least once or twice a game. Totally blows up your score when it happens. I also notice the speed up of the putter. Suppose it will always happen unless you buy credits.



  • willy53
    42 Posts
    Tue, Oct 21 2014 4:35 AM

    Yes it is a nice illistration, but I'm talking about putts that you've checked out past the hole that are still going down before you take putt?, also why is it that some putts are definatelly in the hole physically, but just hang there like they are hover balls, and after reload 2" off, I've had possible eagles where you can't see the gap between ball and flagstick, then after reload its up to 2ft off the hole, that's cheating in my book, there are too many quirky things in this game which spoils the realism of whats supposed to be lifelike play, shame really because at the end of the day WGT only pay out in imaginary money, unlike us mugs who pay in real hard cash for balls and clubs if you aint got enough credits. Sorry for ranting on. 

  • ScottHope
    10,672 Posts
    Tue, Oct 21 2014 12:21 PM

    It is human nature to despise things that go against us but we rarely come on here and mention the times such as when our ball appears to be in the rough, but the lie indicator tells us we're on the fairway and there are probably times when the ball rolls up to the hole and you think its gonna miss because its more outside than in, but it plops in. We don't mention those events but I would guess that the good and bad things kinda even themselves out even though we feel hard done by at times.    : )

    Does anyone else have the issue when clicking the left mouse button and it doesn't work? Happens at least once or twice a game.
    You might want to check your mouse battery if it's wireless Eagle.

  • willy53
    42 Posts
    Wed, Oct 22 2014 5:18 AM

    To Scotthope,

                           I think you must be a very relaxed person, unlike me, after reading your reply I think I feel better for it, thank you. I must try to restrain my frustration while playing this game, you never know it might improve the score sheet too?. Thanks.

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Wed, Oct 22 2014 11:24 AM


                 Have you also noticed that the law of physics doesn't seem to apply sometimes on the greens, you tap a putt downhill and miss the hole, the next shot should naturally be uphill but it is still reading downhill? very strange.

    Your putt could be like this...


     but I'm talking about putts that you've checked out past the hole that are still going down before you take putt?

    That's interesting. Because many people have asked the same question. Then, many retort the same explanation. But it may be that the OP question is valid.

    If I'm correct, the OP is stating the 1st putt looks similar to the putt below (on the left).

    But yet, strangely, then the shot goes past and the break reads downhill again. Scott's image shows the possibility. etc.

    But then the 1st putt's grid should look like the putt below's grid (on the right).

    If anyone has a true screen capture or video of this instance, please feel free to share it.


    More so, if you were to hit the grid slope indicator icon (fig. 1 bottom right) the dots would move down to the hole. Then, at the same time and view, on the other side they would move in reverse toward the hole.

    (if anyone has a video capture of the grid slope indicator dots doing that please post it)

    I have an idea why this phenomenon exists, but I'd like to comment that the question and replies are interesting.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Oct 22 2014 11:41 AM

    I must try to restrain my frustration while playing this game,

    LOL. Write that 100 times on the blackboard. I know it costs me a stroke or 2 sometimes. 

    I was watching Icon and fmagnets play a stroke round yesterday and not once did either one of them come close to getting excited about a surprising result. For one thing, they always knew why they got the surprising result, not that there were many.

    I saw them make shots that in casual AS play would have most players yelling VEM or deviation or blaming WGT. It didn't faze them, they just worked around it after taking responsibility for the result. Not once did I hear either phrase and Fmag routinely commented on a bad deviation caused by his late hit off a tee. Still birdied the hole.

    If I learned anything by watching them it was forget the shot that got you there, play the one in front of you.  :-)

  • ScottHope
    10,672 Posts
    Wed, Oct 22 2014 12:03 PM

    To Scotthope,  I think you must be a very relaxed person, unlike me, after reading your reply I think I feel better for it, thank you. I must try to restrain my frustration while playing this game, you never know it might improve the score sheet too?. Thanks.
    Oh...I get just as frustrated as the next man Willy, and the mapping on this game is a bit off in some places that's for sure, but I try to look at things philosophically and remember the bits of good luck that occasionally come my way, cheers Will.  : )
