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Why is there no driving range?

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Fri, Mar 6 2015 1:25 PM (11 replies)
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  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Mon, Feb 23 2015 9:26 AM

    50 balls in a bucket for 100 credits?

    Could have different rates for different golf balls.  One could test out different balls just to see.  I'd like to try out the top Nike balls, but wouldn't pay for a sleeve just to try them.  100 cr's for 50 hits on the range would be ok with me though.

    I'd use it if they added the range.  Give us some targets to shoot at, and I'd have something to do at work during slow days.  I know I can just play but can't really focus on shots with alt-tab always at the ready lol.






  • Kmuehlbauer1
    4 Posts
    Fri, Mar 6 2015 1:25 PM

    great post lol!  I would pay credits to be able to hit 50 balls of my choice to get down distances.. I might even be pursuaded to buy a new ball instead of the cheap ones.

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