A splendid club indeed!
I joined Morningside in the late spring and I know this CC will always be the only choice for me. There are so many challenging tournaments to play, with the participation being phenomenal to say the least. I , myself have learned a lot from this CC and proud to be a member.
Each and every member i've met are kind and courteous and yet competitive in a respectful way. Let alone there's always a laugh or two in match/alternate play.
Having our own website, from personal to discussions of tourneys , with a live chat for setting up your CC matches and whatnot is definitely an added bonus.
Mainly, our leader Kevin, runs this club honestly , with an open mind for others to participate in the making of the tourneys. The Elite, Labonte Cup and others are intricately planned with precision and skill and thought out perfectly.
Keep on doing what you've been doing Kevin!! You're one heck of a leader.
Our scorekeeper rocks too, such a hard job to do !
Thanks guys :-)