I'm sorry but this timer on this system is by far the stupidist I have seen.. I never get the timer correct.. runs short one day..long the next.. got an idea.. maybe based around your time zone??
timer shows up on top right corner of the main game screen. it's constant and matches GMT. don't let it control you. just keep an eye on it and you will be all set :)
Using passes should be easy..,maintenance however ( diff kettle )
Gotta be easier for all if the pop up said....we be off in 3 hours,NOT
"Off @ 11.30 pm Pacific time for approx 3 hours."
I then have to think...
GMT,+ 1 hour here in Spain, and is it BST or Winter .. minus 8 or is it 9 hours then...etc etc
Too much like hard work !!!
We are World customers, the onus is / should be on WGT, to not cater only for your shores ?
^ A guy in Mali, Africa, really knows or cares what time it is on Rodeo Drive ?
OR should even have to think about it ?
The pop up should say...
" Hello, we are going to have a downtime in 3 hours" PERIOD !
And it should extrapolate to every Country on the Planet ?
Crack on, it's not rocket science