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Tue, Nov 25 2014 6:17 PM (46 replies)
  • CMcCartney727
    1,417 Posts
    Sat, Oct 25 2014 5:38 PM

    No more RG's for me.  I'm done.  I've played 2-3 a night for a couple of years, but I can't take the vem anymore.  Any good start I have is greeted with 30 mph headwinds and lipouts for the next 6 holes.  Free is for me!  WGT apparently has figured out that no matter how much of a screwing I get, I always come back for more.  That stops tonight.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sat, Oct 25 2014 8:07 PM

    Ah...I feel ya...Merion back nine RG...holed out on 10 for Eagle...birdied 11..lippers after that, wound up with a 31...just gotta keep plugging away!

  • rollone
    783 Posts
    Sat, Oct 25 2014 8:27 PM


    No more RG's for me.  I'm done.  I've played 2-3 a night for a couple of years, but I can't take the vem anymore.  Any good start I have is greeted with 30 mph headwinds and lipouts for the next 6 holes.  Free is for me!  WGT apparently has figured out that no matter how much of a screwing I get, I always come back for more.  That stops tonight.


    i hear ya loud and clear!


  • WillyBigg
    2,135 Posts
    Sun, Oct 26 2014 8:10 AM

    And of course we still have the ridiculous low scores to contend with, sure makes it clear who gets all the vem & who gets none. Wgt won't be happy until only the top 50 earners are the only ones playing RG's.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Oct 26 2014 8:20 AM

    sure makes it clear who gets all the vem & who gets none



  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Oct 26 2014 8:24 AM

    Wgt won't be happy until only the top 50 earners are the only ones playing RG's.

    They won't be happy both (as you know - I see your tongue-in-cheek).

    Money comes to WGT through the new/newer players - the company earns nothing by the top players.

    Top players need lesser good players to re-fill their credit purses - playing ping pong between themselves only lets the pile of circulating credits shrink by the rake.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Oct 26 2014 8:29 AM

    I will say Merion started fine 3 birds out .  OK missed a ding at 3 and got what I deserved, and another error all mine too, but #16 was not.  

    Tail wind in from 5 o'clock out through 11 o'clock. Only needed a wedge, and aimed a tad right, and missed by a perfect hair's breadth right.

    Sat back beer in hand thinking need this tap in, but lo a pin high 15' across face putt waiting for me.  Now OK 2 errors mine, but that was harsh treatment at #16 when every shot counts in a RG. 29 instead of a 28 I got reminded of that(:..........1 shot I realise v 2 from me, but had the moan :)

    Also PH.  I can do OK there sometimes when my ADP is OK and / or I am in places on a green I have been before, but some of those dots beat the hell out of me more so than any other course.

    Mind you PH often feels a strange place.  Even standing on the first tee I just could not help but think I was not alone even though I was clearly the only one there:

  • CMcCartney727
    1,417 Posts
    Tue, Oct 28 2014 5:46 PM

    Are there any plans to give everyone the same conditions, so that it's, I don't know... FAIR???  Just played the 18 hole 'freebie on Kiawah with high winds, and had headwinds on the first 12 holes (maybe one of them was a crosswind) before quitting...  joke....

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Tue, Oct 28 2014 6:28 PM

    Are there any plans to give everyone the same conditions, so that it's, I don't know... FAIR??? 

    Are there any plans to give everyone the same conditions, so that it's, I don't know... FAIR??? 


    Ya, that's what is so frustrating...hittting into 20 or with 20...hit into twenty misss your ding mark a have a 30 foot putt...with the wind,,,a 12 foot putt...hear ya again;)

  • CMcCartney727
    1,417 Posts
    Wed, Oct 29 2014 7:26 PM

    Tonight was one of the best... congrats WGT!!  Had a reasonable 68 on the best of par 5's monthly thing (unlimited).. played the 2nd round (one time only) and had the unmitigated BALLS to make EAGLE on the first 2 holes!  That is a CARDINAL SIN in WGT land... You KNOW the screwing is coming when you do that.. and it's gonna be HARD and it's gonna be FAST!!  Next 3 holes HEADWIND (no surprise), still manage to make birdies, even with a 3 iron approach... BUT.. the next two holes I find 50% rough, in places I've never been in this game (yes, I've been playing for almost 4 years).  WHOOOOO KNEEWWWWWW!! 

    The good news is, I didn't pay an entry fee.  That's the only good news.  Oh, and VEM LIVES!!!!  (not that it will ever go away).