I use the Spider 92 and it's my putter of choice. I also have the Versa 97 (I know you said the 82) and its precision is a tad higher but I score better w/ the Spider.
The Versa 97 has a little more balance than the Spider 92 and it holds the line (the V97), but a little too much for me when I want to 'spin' the ball. I'll learn how to use it more in the future.
Looks like the Spider 92 and the Versa 86 are similar in stats but the Versa has a slightly quicker meter.
I am both a ding putter & an off-ding putter. Sometimes, putting a 'spin' (off ding) on the ball has more rewarding results IMO on a heavy cant or slope.*
In the video at the post below* you see the off ding ball misses and stops near the hole, as the 2nd putt was dinged and just misses the hole but rolls down the slope. The 3rd off ding putt drops.
I rented the Nike and Rossa but didn't have much talent for applying them correctly.