I keep hearing mixed reviews about the 97. Half like the extra 5 yards, other half prefer the stopping power.
I hope there's a general agreement on whether or not it's worth it when hit 97 in a few months.
TIP: You don't have to own only one 3wd. You can keep a few and choose the best one for the course you are playing, especially if it is low wind so you pretty much know exactly what yardages you will need to hit before you start.
That's true. My main problem is that I bought the 400 credit bag long ago, back before I knew the difference between it and the 600 credit one, and that either one actually served a purpose outside of aesthetics. Because of that, I basically just use one set of clubs and let the balls fall where they may. I'm not hardcore enough to jump through all the extra hoops to be elite.
That, and I'm way stingy with my credits and the concept of having unused clubs that could be credits in my account would eat at me.