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Ask and you shall receive ??????

Mon, Apr 30 2012 8:45 PM (20 replies)
  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Mon, Nov 1 2010 3:37 PM

    Good day,,  One of these days ,WGT will get all the bugs worked out, and lots of new courses ,,   and all the people who like to *** will have to find a new hobbie.. OPY

  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Mon, Nov 1 2010 4:19 PM

    2. Solution to quitters - problem is coming with an effective system for that. Until one is actually exist that works for everyone, it will be hard to create one that works for you and not for others. Maybe a way to combat is make friends with ones who don't quit, start a clubhouse and invite your friends there. Then you will have many people to play with who don't quit .


    i know you are smarter than that.  "It will be hard to create one that works for you and for the others" Now, Icon, look at that and see if you would like to take that back

    I am certain that you know whatever system you would put into effect would be better than what we have. We now have nights when you cannot get past the 5th hole.  You have people quitting after their first shot goes into the deep rough. You have people who are at work and think that it is ok to quit if the boss comes in. Why are these people playing? Bec ause they know that no penalty will be given for quitting, so why not start a game and quit. Icon, WGT has made a fabulous game. Icon, Wgt has made a game that brillant people marvel at. Icon, you and WGT can fix this problem, IF YOU WANT TO. Do you want to, that is the question, not all the phony excuses you give

    It is time for WGT to weed out the cheats, and get the quitters out of this game. Maybe you  will sell less product, or maybe you will sell more, because customers will know they have a game to play without cheaters and quitters being given cover

  • 6packmike
    235 Posts
    Tue, Nov 2 2010 3:21 PM


    I guess my question is: why are you worried about other person's average? What I mean is, people are driven by different things. My goal was to surpass $1k earnings a month in ready go's, so I played 410 of them.

    Others may want to achieve lowest possible rating...Does it represent their skill level? In their mind maybe but rating is just 1 element what shows who the better players are.Sand save, driving %, approach avg, are all huge elements in showing consistency.

    I wouldn't worry about it that much


    I'm not worried about their average. When they quit though I don't get as many experience points. It's their worries about their own average that makes them still want to quit. Not everyone reads the wgt news, and they have a bad habit of quitting to save what would only be a trifle of a raise in average, if any. I also thought experience points for consecutive ranked rounds completed would be an added incentive for them to finish.



  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, Nov 2 2010 4:36 PM

    I understand and maybe if you can tell them about experince + bonuses, it would give them an incentive not to quit


  • KingOfTheCourse
    419 Posts
    Tue, Nov 2 2010 4:50 PM


    I understand and maybe if you can tell them about experince + bonuses, it would give them an incentive not to quit


    Now Icon, I realize this has nothing to do with our current topic but what about the long asked for practice area?  I've responded to atleast a dozen posts asking for one and no reasponse from WGT staff.  Is there something about making a range that we don't understand?  Please fill us in.


  • AttitudeXX
    3 Posts
    Tue, Jun 28 2011 7:56 PM

    i agree that virtual clubs should be given to you as you reach goals and levels tiers ect.  not by who wants to spend 100+ dollars to get the newest clubs, balls, avatars, and ENERGY DRINKS??!?!?!?

  • aceydeucey
    504 Posts
    Mon, Apr 30 2012 12:20 PM


    I agree with you on the experience points.  That's why I like to play the Multi Play rounds.
     I really do not care if a player quits... it's the loss of exp. points that irks me.
     Maybe the solution we need is for WGT to program the Multi Play so that the total exp points for a game are locked in at the beginning of the round.  That way if players quit, the ones still in the game are awarded the locked total points when they finish the round.  That way a player finishing does not lose any experience points from the initial group total.

    Or even better, any player quitting would lose 200 points and that point total would be added to the group's total and distributed to the players who do finish the round.

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Mon, Apr 30 2012 12:59 PM

    54 dollar energy drinks... I want one.

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Mon, Apr 30 2012 1:12 PM

     just a question here  , is there a way to know if a player has disconected because of lost of electricity ,or something along those line ..............       if it was possible , and it would be fair to all ..................... if a player quit  for the reason mentioned earlyer  (they are +3  after 2 holes ,  or they want to quit and they say something like ( sorry  guys , my bebe (wife) grandma, sick dog what ever  , i got to go ,or Gee my boss is here ............just a ideel here but  a player that Quits  a game ,could not play with other players for ONE day ,  only with himself ....      That way maybee next time a player wants to quit   he will think    twice  :)                 

  • Hewsey
    1,957 Posts
    Mon, Apr 30 2012 2:08 PM

    Let's have a vote.  Who out there knows almost for certain when a player quits on them? Not when they are under par, not when they are winning, not when it's tied & they just drove down the middle.  We  all know when they quit, why not identify them?