ArgyleScott @11-07-2014 7:43 AM
Play as often as you like but only best score will count.
The number of competitors counted equal to the least number of players from either club.
(A club had 12 members entered and the other 30, take only the top 12 of the 30.)
Comments please.
YankeeJim @11-07-2014 7:59 AM
Dang, Scott, I was trying to figure out how to say that. If they did that then there wouldn't be any restriction on who plays who. The 50 member club could compete against the 250 member club quite nicely. I wouldn't take the top 12 of that 30, just the first 12 to play.
Shoe has already 'fessed up that this isn't a cash grab so if that's true then the money end of it doesn't come into play.
ArgyleScott @11-07-2014 9:11 AM
What about matching tiers? If there is one Pro from one side, only one Pro from the other side.
I bring this up because the premium placed on good shots by the Stableford system and the fact I saw one of the smaller clubs that had 38 Legends. Without matching tier to tier, they would have a great advantage.