First off...........please consider Cheers Golf Club to be a willing entry.
Secondly........ I think there should be a minimum cutoff number of players for the match to count or that team is a forfeit for that round. Lets say we set that number at 15 completed rounds, the Best 15 completed rounds, totaled up is their score for the week with all matches being held under the One & Done format. Single Play. If you enter 25% Legends, then you need 25% Legends in your total. 15 % Tour Master= 15 % Tour Masters........that way no team could be 'stacked' and it should level out to a level playing field.
I LIKE the idea of the two weeks to complete a round and then move on, no final score is just that, no score is recorded for the week and or the season. 20 HOME Games along with 20 Travel Games. WOW............this could be great and with all the computer wizards we have around here......someone should be able to come up with a pretty simple program to keep score and current standings posted on a dedicate site for all involved to be able to keep up and keep current (including a count down clock if that is possible.)
Just my two cents but I have 50 + members and I know I can field a team of 15 or 20 or maybe even 25 each period.
Lets all work together to make this happen.
el Capitan