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More character building? RPG-style? Wait give it a chance.

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Sun, Jun 21 2009 12:37 AM (4 replies)
  • BatforLashes
    6 Posts
    Fri, Jun 19 2009 2:20 PM

    Ok, I'm not saying let's turn it into World of Warcraft! Settle down golfers!!!

    No seriously I appreciate the fact WGT seems to want to make the game more realistic then other golf games we've seen, BUT aren't there alot of different types of golfers out there???

    Hackers, duffers, Long-Hitters, Finesse Players, Pros, those who think they're Pros....

    I would like to see the Tier system include a very rudimentary customization system.

    It appears that there is no real benefits of getting better tiers.  The distance issue I discussed in another post seems to be an issue for instance.  I DO LIKE the fact you CAN'T hit the ball 300 yds after getting to Amateur or Pro level, but when you are at Amateur level you still have to hit off the Pro tees in tournaments which is a big disadvantage. Maybe a small increase in power with each Tier would help, like maybe only 2-3% difference is all I mean.

    But back to the topic of Customization, it would be very fun to have a LITTLE bit of freedom to, oh let's say, make my character a LONG-HITTER at the cost of accuracy, or conversely, make my character MORE ACCURATE at the cost of a little distance.

    I feel these MINOR differences in players would make more of a well rounded SOCIAL experience for players.  Let me know what you guys think, but other then that I think you're on to something great here and I'm very impressed so far. Thanks.

  • BleedMarshall
    26 Posts
    Fri, Jun 19 2009 6:28 PM

    ou are wanting skill points for set categories. Not  bad idea really. Something like this maybe...

    15 points to use on...





    Clutch as an individual player of the game we can basically make the player we want. You would gain X number of points per tier you go up, and thus lose X number of points if you drop a tier...or not. Maybe even use credits to buy more points, but at a rate of 500 credits for .5 points, thus 1000 credits for  a full point. This way people can't make insane players, and have a limit for points you can have per tier level. It would take some major doing, but it could be done. I guess. *shrugs*


  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sat, Jun 20 2009 7:28 PM

    I don't know fellas.. sounds like WoW Golf.  Though there are some good points here.

    But I will tell you this, I would NEVER NEVER sit still for "buying skill points".  There are too many cheats here already.

    Just my 2¢

  • mosherkl
    110 Posts
    Sat, Jun 20 2009 9:01 PM

    As much as it does sound like WoW Golf, I really like the idea of being able to customize my golfer in that way. Even so much as to be super competitive on some courses, but less so on others.

    I do think they would have to be earned, though. You could probably take the awards and give a skill point for each award earned. That way you have to practice to earn awards, which give you skill points, which improve some aspect of your golfer, JUST LIKE REAL PRACTICE IMPROVES A REAL GOLFER.

  • BatforLashes
    6 Posts
    Sun, Jun 21 2009 12:37 AM

    WoW golf! haha. That's exactly why I made sure to be careful in my I could avoid ridicule!

    But yeah everyone seems to get my point.  Add a VERY VERY subtle customization option and make it fully balanced in that, if I add 2 pts into lets say power, I would lose 2pts in forgiveness for instance.  But all in all it would have to be very subtle as I said to stop people from just loading up on one thing and finding a BEST POSSIBLE configuration.

    I am TOTALLY against buying points however, seeing as how it would force people to pay to be competitve. However, gaining pts as a reward for leveling to a higher Tier would seem to give the Tier system a valid reason to exist and also give higher Tiered players a slight increase in stats. 

    The relatively low shot distance, especially on drives, would seem to be normalized through this system too.