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Cost/Durability of the Golf balls?

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Tue, Nov 18 2014 5:27 PM (10 replies)
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  • JJMacLeod
    4 Posts
    Tue, Nov 11 2014 3:31 PM


    I am wondering if it is possible to lower the cost of some of the golf balls on the this game. I currently have no income due to injury and can't always afford to "pay" for the credits, and the stock starter ball is pretty much useless. I currently am using the Max Slow meter balls as they are the best for me right now and I find that their durability is low. At 450 credits for only three balls, I figure i have enough credits to get two more sleeves and then I am down to the starter balls which again are useless. 


    I am not a good gamer (I admit this) and I don't post low enough scores in ready go or tournaments to win credits, so I am limited in what I can purchase. 


  • fitzroy1965
    337 Posts
    Tue, Nov 11 2014 5:36 PM

    all i can say is try the callies any of them and try to get used to the slightly faster meter you can save $  that v way


    231 Posts
    Tue, Nov 11 2014 5:40 PM

    The best deal regarding Cost/Durability/Performance you will get on Callaway L33 balls.

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Tue, Nov 11 2014 5:42 PM


    Stop playing RG's. You're shooting 10-15 over par and wasting your money. And, stop using that ball. Try the Lethals, Srixons, or Callys. Much better value. the Volvik balls (although costlier than the aforementioned) are really good, too.

  • JJMacLeod
    4 Posts
    Tue, Nov 11 2014 6:30 PM

    Okay. that is what I was wondering about. Thanks a bunch

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Tue, Nov 11 2014 6:34 PM



    Try clicking on "Earn Free Credits" on the "Get Credits" drop down menu. The advice about not playing in RG's and using a less expensive ball is very good as well.

  • JJMacLeod
    4 Posts
    Tue, Nov 11 2014 7:16 PM

    Cerino, I have tried some of the free credit earnings but a lot of the things seem to get flagged as spam/virus/Phishing activity by my firewall/anti-virus. I have tried a few that were successful, but i haven't the chance to try more. 


    And the less expensive balls advice is worth its weight in gold. I just tried a sleeve of Lethals and a sleeve of Volviks. Wow. 


    Thanks for the great advice. It is much appreciated.


  • fitzroy1965
    337 Posts
    Wed, Nov 12 2014 10:47 AM

    Also if you can get used to the fast meter speed,the wgt  brand  SD balls  for  .65 are a very good value,but hard to be consistent with shots when meter is lightening fast.

  • JJMacLeod
    4 Posts
    Wed, Nov 12 2014 8:22 PM

    Jay, thanks for the tip about the Volviks, Love them. I get great control, AND one ball lasts me about 5 rounds or so.

    Many appreciate thanks.


  • Stefano0178
    200 Posts
    Thu, Nov 13 2014 9:22 AM

    Anybody has the right to choose by its own preferences, but please, don't say the stock balls are useless, because it isn't so. They are just less "Pro" than others, but if you know then and know your irons, you can easily have good scores with them.

    I have the same economical problems, I chose to buy equipment using the Earn Free credits and actively use some of the offers, and now I use almost only stock balls without problems. My score are almost the same with the Callies, obvious that they are better, but the stock balls are NOT the reason of low scores. It's how one plays, not the balls. It's always a question of how one plays. You can use the callies and go over par, while scoring a -15 on best of par 5 with the stock balls.

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