If the CC Clashes received a review they would be rated as very poor.
My strong feeling is that v poor game play has them v worried over how long this nonsense can last IF they really have invested much in this.
A club with 1 member easily finished top 200, and a club with 6 easily top 100.
Any one who cares (beyond me why) wants top 10. To do that we get in to the real tricks of the trade which seems stocking up with avid AMs who joined last week. Starter balls and any old clubs really are fine if (inexplicably as I find it) you want to buy passes and waste time this mindlessly. Possible to do it other ways - heck they even give bigger clubs more super passes to make it even easier, but the tricks are used by some including legitimate silliness like the more super passes.
I doubt this is the money spinner WGT wanted, and I doubt it is ever going to be that. Now that's assuming they did spend more than 10 minutes throwing it together and it needs to do well. Maybe it's doing it's job as squeeze that segment over there at little cost.
Whatever iy cost to get together this clash is nonsense junk.
If it were part of a good golf shop it would be in the nik nak bucket, and treated as a joke. The good golf shop might well get away with that as they would have enough good product to offset the laughing from most.
I remember a once great and proud guitar shop. It's final few months saw it as the only place in town where you could buy the entire Behringer (junk) range, but little else. Something was clearly wrong there as I suspect it is here.
I still hope WGT can wake up / come out of whatever they are in because this crap is the the golf game equivalent of that guitar shop and the Behringer range as it stands.
Difference is competition in the market place which I strongly suspect WGT are watching v closely. They are wondering if real outlay is worth while or will they get blown out of the water anyway, and so we get this low outlay silliness.
Whatever is really going I doubt this is getting the traction hoped for and for v good reason IMO. The quality is too low to seriously compete, and that compete is the key.
Without competition this silliness may amble on scraping the bottom of the $ barrel. It is though of profound low quality, and so I can't see it doing much even without competition.
Had WGT implemented some upgrades (officer tools / inter cc brackets.....) this would be OK as a nik. The v few clubs that give a rats about seriously chasing could, and the rest of us look on if we wish wondering why. All would be OK as with promised upgrades / even better (could not be worse) event coming this would be the nik nak end of town, but this is all they have.
Shame to see a still fundamentally a great platform slowly being strangled by incompetence / perceived market forces bringing out low rent grabs.Whatever the real reason this is, in context, shocking.