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Aussie_Legends CC

Thu, Nov 20 2014 4:26 PM (6 replies)
  • Lutjanid
    697 Posts
    Sun, Nov 16 2014 4:16 PM

    Our CC Aussie_Legends has folded. Shame too as it was just starting to kick along.One day everything was fine, the next we have all been kicked out,lol.  So there may be a few ex members floating around looking for a new CC. Be kind to them and give them a new home. :-).

                                                                 Fairways and greens pards,


  • ISH47
    1,963 Posts
    Sun, Nov 16 2014 4:47 PM

    Plenty of room in our club.. DAputts is the owner. Round up your whole crew and send'em on over. 

    Only thing we ask is that you don't be unsociable.. lol.. play in a tourney at least once a week and use/check the forums.



  • Lutjanid
    697 Posts
    Sun, Nov 16 2014 5:06 PM

    Thanks ISH, I hope a few of our players see this post and join. Im looking for an Aussie club as the time difference can cause a few probs sometimes. On a strange note I was just informed that MY country club has just gone up to LEVEL 6. This is quite strange as I dont have a country club,lol. Go figure. Thanks again.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Nov 16 2014 9:11 PM
    I'm sure that Aussie, Aussie, Aussie and Advance Australia Fairways would be pleased to make homes for them. The Mighty Roo Slayers too. Good luck.
  • jenwren
    2,781 Posts
    Sun, Nov 16 2014 9:35 PM

    Yes, the Mighty Roo Slayers does need players.  Thanks for the mention.


  • thesnakeyes
    892 Posts
    Tue, Nov 18 2014 4:44 AM

    We have a few Aussies in my club No Quitters Here Please more are always welcome please visit my profile page to see how to join



  • Lutjanid
    697 Posts
    Thu, Nov 20 2014 4:26 PM

    G'Day all,   I think I should just do an update of our situation. I believe most of us have found new homes although there still may be the odd floater or two. Would like to give a huge thank-you to all the clubs who opened their doors to our homeless Aussie_Legend crew. To ISH47 and Bushwacking Bandits, Mighty Roo Slayers, Advance Australia Fairways, Aussie Aussie Aussie, Calm Waters and No Quitters my gratitude and thanks for helping us out in our time of need. Any people looking for a CC should look these ones up as they are generous people. Its good to see an online community helping one another out instead of just bagging each other as sometimes happens.

                                           Fairways and Greens pards, Jacko.