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Idea for a New Avatar

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Thu, Aug 9 2012 8:32 PM (18 replies)
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  • DiscGolfAddict
    183 Posts
    Wed, Nov 3 2010 12:44 PM

    I figure since WGT was making up all these new products for us suckers...I mean customers to spend our money on....that I would give em an Idea.... Avatar with dreadlocks wearing green pants with a pot leaf... done in the style of the canada pants. I would spend my money on that!!!


    ETA: Give it a tye-dye shirt with a bandana do-rag!!

  • jordanisawesome
    620 Posts
    Fri, Nov 5 2010 7:03 PM


    I figure since WGT was making up all these new products for us suckers...I mean customers to spend our money on....that I would give em an Idea.... Avatar with dreadlocks wearing green pants with a pot leaf... done in the style of the canada pants. I would spend my money on that!!!


    ETA: Give it a tye-dye shirt with a bandana do-rag!!


    hahahaha that would be a cool avatar to have

  • PayneStewart2k
    75 Posts
    Mon, Nov 21 2011 11:11 PM

    Here an idea instead of sellin us avatars how bout sellin a large variety of clothing  different pants,shirts,hats,ties,shoes etc... so we can customize your avatar. give us a choice of severals Male & female to choose from that way we can customize our avatars so we can have our own look and not same look as most common avatars offered here. Just an idea what others think????

  • Kurtsbuford
    7,592 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2011 7:51 AM

    e. Just an idea what others think????


  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2011 7:55 AM

    Avatar with dreadlocks wearing green pants with a pot leaf... done in the style of the canada pants.


    Call it "O Cannabis" ....lmao

  • Moner
    88 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2011 4:57 PM

    our home & native plant?

  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Tue, Nov 22 2011 5:12 PM

    We stand on guard for weed.

    The Flag.

  • DaMuq
    165 Posts
    Thu, Aug 9 2012 2:17 PM

    Make an avatar that is short, fat, bald, and old.  Let me dress him in loud Bermuda shorts, maybe knee high socks, mismatched shirt, and a little hat that has a puff ball on top.  Then turn him loose and hopefully go out and beat the crap out of all these slim, young, pretty avatars.  I would give up some credits for that.

  • jimoldfart
    131 Posts
    Thu, Aug 9 2012 3:06 PM

    No knee high socks or puff ball caps but I'm in on the old, fat, and bald!!!!!!! Everytime my wife walks by while I'm playing, she sighs and says you used to look like that! Its getting embarassing!!  WGT gives us old guys a realistic avator. One thing I might add have the left hand for right handed golfers about 4 shades lighter in color lol.

  • labordayk
    389 Posts
    Thu, Aug 9 2012 3:26 PM


    I figure since WGT was making up all these new products for us suckers...I mean customers to spend our money on....that I would give em an Idea.... Avatar with dreadlocks wearing green pants with a pot leaf... done in the style of the canada pants. I would spend my money on that!!!


    ETA: Give it a tye-dye shirt with a bandana do-rag!!

    I might go for the pot leaf pants with a tie dye shirt, especially if they gave a portion of the proceeds to Just Say Now or Gary Johnson's U.S. Presidential campaign.

    BTW, the pot leaf is a political symbol, like a nation's flag.  Just Say Now wasn't allowed to use a pot leaf in advertising on facebook, because fb thinks it encourages drug use.

    But the pot leaf symbolizes the effort to re-legalize the god given cannabis plant for all it's uses, including industrial, nutritional, and medical, as well as recreational.

    Speaking of the industrial uses of hemp, have any golf manufacturers started using it in the making of golf equipment?  Some automobile makers use it in parts, because it is strong, light weight, and flexible, and it would seem that such properties might be useful in clubs and maybe even balls.

    Although it is legal to import, U.S. farmers still aren't allowed to grow hemp.

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