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CC XPs after 100 Days

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Sun, Nov 23 2014 6:52 PM (11 replies)
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  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Thu, Nov 20 2014 9:48 AM

    The concept of CC Experience Points, CC Experience Levels and CC Passes was implemented by WGT 100 days ago.  After the first week I decided to track the cumulative XPs obtained by the higher level CCs as WGT does not provide it easily. 

    Below is a list of the top 20 Country Clubs based on CC XPs as of 4 hours ago.



    # CC Name Current Total Level
    1 The Peoples Club         15,326,824 11
    2 Old Duffers Retreat         12,799,632 11
    3 Sherbrooke         12,141,692 10
    4 Senior Citizens         11,504,845 10
    5 IBIS GC         10,299,734 10
    6 Augusta National           9,385,489 10
    7 Eagle Club GA           8,952,807 10
    8 East Coast           8,871,535 9
    9 Carolina Sandhills           7,737,528 9
    10 The Madrid GC           7,684,725 9
    11 The Serenity Club           7,567,505 9
    12 JunkyardDogs           6,882,460 9
    13 Scotish Bravehhearts           6,763,355 9
    14 Tigers Best Pros           5,838,739 9
    15 UK Golfers Elite           5,627,097 8
    16 Terme di Saturnia GC           5,600,600 8
    17 Palm Beach Kiawah GC           5,376,995 8
    18 Supreme Bluestream           5,169,754 8
    19 Au Revior Gopher CC           5,025,043 8
    20 Scoundrels+Wenches           4,916,689 8




  • RemBeau
    2,515 Posts
    Thu, Nov 20 2014 9:43 PM

    Thx for the info Ed

    We just reach Level 11 few minutes ago.

    Thanks to all our members that have contrebute  :punk:


  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Fri, Nov 21 2014 8:27 AM

    Congrats Remy and all the Sherbrooke Country Club members!

    Those extra Tournaments come in handy in active Country Clubs.


  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Fri, Nov 21 2014 8:49 AM

    Congrat`s Remy, Level 11 is a lot points

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Nov 23 2014 1:52 AM

    Our club just made Level 7 today . Which I am guessing put us easily in the top 100 .

    I fear, not.

    Some numbercrunching...

    Top 50 CCs each by level were taken from the presumptive top nations (by number) in this game:

    USA, UK, CDN, AUS, Germany, Italy.

    Add those single entries in the "all nations" list: IOM, Ecuador, Israel, Spain, and by further research I found one lvl 8 CC each from Ireland, South Africa and Argentina.

    Find data here.

    The ranking has to be limited to level 8, because the US list shows only a few level 7 CCs - just a small part.

    The result is, 83 of these selected CCs are above level 7, in detail:

    CC lvl    number
    12            1
    11            2
    10            5
    9              8
    8            67

    Outside the USA, only 15 lvl 7 CCs are included, and abt. 200 CCs of levels 2 - 6.

    For the USA, arbitrary estimations are possible for the lvl 7 number, from the fact that 7 CCs of levels above 8 (9 - 11) and 34 CCs of lvl 8 are shown.

    Thus, I assume that a new lvl 7 CC may be in the top 200 ;)

    But, which significance does the standing in this list have? To me, it's not an inter-CC competition!

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Nov 23 2014 3:48 AM

    Just to get a sense of where one is in the big picture .

    Did it help you?

    You always know where you stand .

    Nope, but that's of no significance.

    I'm not really interested in the CC levels - we are level 7 now and don't desire any benefits above level 6. No need to grind to satisfy the company's greed.

    There are only a few active CCs based in Germany, so we're gonna find ourselves in these lists. Who cares?

    There's only one item of significance:

    We've been growing to 245+ members recently which brings us into the standard CC list. From then on, players have applied for membership more frequently, adding work to my desk. Unfortunately, a lot of them are dayflys - for the first time, I have limited access to Pros and up.

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