agree^ I think mobile could be huge.
Mobile will never be a big as the web due to the fact that many of us only have s small screen Iphone to play on. It is just too hard to play well with that set-up. Right now I only play a couple of 3 hole randoms at work during lunch just to kill some time and get my consecutive day bonus.
I have been an avid gamer for 20 plus years. The rig I play on cost 4K dollars. That's just the tower, not monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc... I have been a hardcore FPS guy forever. They way things are going, it's about bigger phones, tablets, and touchscreen computers, not to mention consoles. WGT is a FLASH game. It's port over to iOSX runs 100 times better than dealing with flash on any browsers. Not to mention even the graphics look better. Sure it needs to be tweaked a lot. There are a ton more changes and features needed but it has ENORMOUS potential. All the way around PC or mobile APP, things need A LOT of work. Don't get me wrong the game is great... it just still has a ton of bugs all the way around. It may not be today, or in 5 years... but the mobile market will dominate free browsers games. Much like over the last 10-15 years consoles are taking over the pc gaming world. A TON of games that were originally written for PC are now all built on the engines for consoles and ported over to PC.
Either way... fun game.. add me we will play around sometime.. I still play on both phone and PC.