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Virtual Tour Leadboard - Top 70 Question

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Mon, Nov 24 2014 5:07 PM (10 replies)
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  • Jonn50005000
    135 Posts
    Fri, Nov 21 2014 8:35 AM

    I dont understand the top 70 points. I was leading the pro tour with 4600 points from winning the als merion when I was a pro tier player. I saw my name on top for a good while.


    I just checked today and my name has dissapeared from the list and the leader has points in the 2000 range, to where I had 4600.  Is this because I have moved up tiers since then? And if so that really is a sucky thing to do, punish me for getting better. lol.


    Obviously its not a huge deal I mean I was looking forward to being in the championship round and would love a shot at winning some credits, but was just wondering if someone could confirm that I am out of the running all the sudden.



  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Fri, Nov 21 2014 10:17 AM

    Didn't your points carry over to your new tier ?  ( haven't checked )

    If not, a kick in the nuts for all who tried all year.

    Not another debacle surely ?


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Fri, Nov 21 2014 10:51 AM

    Saw this and had a look through, I am in the legend listings 'though now a TL.

    What has happened to you is probably a bit complicated due to your rapid rise.  As far as I can see you joined less than 3 months ago and are now a legend.

    If we are counted in the tiers we are in when the tour started, had you even joined?  Maybe you count as a hack and therefor don't qualify. 

  • Jonn50005000
    135 Posts
    Fri, Nov 21 2014 12:03 PM

    Im not sure Dodgy. Tell the truth I didnt even know much of what I was doing at first. I been playing 4-8 hours a day steady for about 3 months now though. lol.  So I would guess I was Pro in my first virtual tour match. Is there anyone at WGT I could ask about this? I would like to be in the qualifying round and I think I deserve to be. I shouldnt be disqualified for plaing a ton they shouldgive me a bonus! Ill check all the tiers and see if I can find my name anywhere, good idea

  • Jonn50005000
    135 Posts
    Fri, Nov 21 2014 12:08 PM

    Ok wow I found my name under the tour master area.  Was thelast one I thought to look under.  Thank for the advice guys appreiate it very much.


    19 Jonn50005000 Supreme BlueStream 85 4,907


  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Fri, Nov 21 2014 12:32 PM

    Your rank in tier will be based on the last tournament you played in and what tier you were then.  So if you finished the October Tournament in the Master Tier, then that's where you will be listed.  This month if you play in the Legend tier, you will be moved up in the VT.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Fri, Nov 21 2014 12:45 PM

    What will happen to the leader of the Legend tier shoe, my CC member who not played for a bit, but a TL now and won't play this month.

    Plays in the legend tier 70 or gets moved up to play in TL tier top 70 ?

    And then alot of TMs who r now legends will they move over if not play this months comp ?

    If they do then they will....

    oust many striving in the legend tier ( that have been there all year )  for the last 15 places 55 - 70 that WGT r advertising they try to not be 71st.

    Can u imagine how they will feel making it to #68 then 20 TM get moved over ?  

    or even worse, being in 51st place, feeling safe and 20 TMs get bumped so you end up in 71st place !!    lmao

    Hope you've thought this one through ?

    Let sleeping dogs lie is the better of two evils I think ?


  • Jonn50005000
    135 Posts
    Fri, Nov 21 2014 2:39 PM

    for real andy. dang. theysure have been advertising that alot too about the top 70. Well I guess I gotta figure out what I got to do to make legend top 70 now. A almost impossible task since I got legend at level 72, had no clue what I was doing and cant buy any big clubs to compete. but thats another story. lol

  • oilyrag
    875 Posts
    Sat, Nov 22 2014 4:08 AM


     This month if you play in the Legend tier, you will be moved up in the VT.

    this is not true

    at present players are only "promoted" within the virtual tour leaderboards when credits have been earned at the higher level .... that is ... they finish in the top 70


    the current legend tier standings

    current tier played tour event at higher level placed top 70
    1 RoarEMackElroy Tour Legend no 30,946
    2 hotho Legend 26,971
    3 RTW1279 Legend 24,422
    4 AlbertoBQ Legend 24,357
    5 LittleBoris Legend 17,738
    6 sub50 Tour Legend no 17,685
    7 ahades Legend 17,182
    8 hatchy66 Legend 16,208
    9 imgambit Legend 16,038
    10 nonstoptaxi Tour Legend yes no has played 1st round of november virtual tour 13,671
    11 Atlas3804 Legend 12,487
    12 adrian923 Legend 12,430
    13 donsprintr Legend 12,417
    14 scottyork Legend 12,100
    15 julplant Legend 11,950
    16 keplere Legend 11,592
    17 Yiannis1970 Legend 11,529
    18 NiFromFb Legend 10,713
    19 Richnow Legend 9,691
    20 vesties Legend 8,552
    21 HuskerJackie Legend 8,475
    22 TiggerWoods2011 Legend 8,348
    23 MikaelMc Tour Legend yes no played 1st round at tour legend only 8,230
    24 MacRav Tour Legend no 7,669
    25 Pittfan78 Legend 7,125
    26 Young99 Legend 6,900
    27 PhilMcilroyson Tour Legend no 6,858
    28 UBCLU546 Tour Legend yes no has played 1st round of november virtual tour 6,803
    29 Martin333 Tour Legend yes no 72nd in stike out, has played 1st round of november virtual tour 6,322
    30 pranayamaflow Tour Legend yes no played 1st round at tour legend only 6,275
    31 Dorain Legend 5,846
    32 Jennifur Tour Legend no 5,691
    33 arielgongon Legend 5,667
    34 GMoney38 Legend 5,552
    35 rrm3103 Legend 5,511
    36 Melissa12171 Legend 5,469
    37 Andyjump Tour Legend yes no played 1st round of strike out, 136th in trick or treat 5,400
    38 NAG247 Legend 5,288
    39 TheSpaghettiKid Legend 5,200
    40 JLeary1 Legend 5,153
    41 PearlStone Legend 5,150
    42 xstinsonx Legend 5,100
    43 gooch134 Legend 5,009
    44 Corwyn Legend 4,979
    45 HIOSoon Legend 4,812
    46 antupt Legend 4,809
    47 mg3689marg Legend 4,673
    48 dddoykov Tour Legend yes no 81st in transamerica, 173rd in first tee, 1st round only in strike out, 195th in trick or treat 4,450
    49 MolotovSolution Tour Legend no 4,400
    50 mrsc328 Legend 4,324
    51 niqueclyde Legend 4,060
    52 unclenewy Legend 3,861
    53 Coland Legend 3,836
    54 MyCorona Legend 3,793
    55 andyson Tour Legend yes no 98th in first tee, 91st in strike out, 149th in trick or treat 3,689
    56 JoeMaverick Legend 3,615
    57 ALLISONPGA Legend 3,611
    58 ZiggyBanzai Legend 3,298
    59 BobWhiteQuail Legend 3,282
    60 dougsda Tour Legend yes no played 1st round at tour legend only 3,278
    61 JayJensen Legend 3,210
    62 Morgies Tour Legend yes no played 1st round at tour legend only 3,039
    63 belgebenja Legend 2,819
    64 OleFernando Legend 2,677
    65 randyhou Legend 2,638
    66 LedZeppelin1234 Legend 2,629
    67 WeidaDeNei Legend 2,512
    68 Bebito Legend 2,477
    69 mrbungle3 Tour Legend yes no 107th in tramsamerica. 173rd in first tee, 124th in strike out, 157th in trick or treat 2,452
    70 garygun Legend 2,430


    add in the number of inactive players ( for whatever reason )  ..... if the final event was to take place now then there would only be 47 of 70 possibly playing the legend tier .......

    still ....... it would save a fair bit of pay out  for wgt  :)

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sat, Nov 22 2014 12:17 PM

    I gotta figure out what I got to do to make legend top 70 now.

    From what's being said I'm not sure you do.  You look quite secure in the top 70 as a TM, so if you don't finish in the top 70 this month it looks like you qualify at that level.  

    This is based mainly on what oilyrag has pointed out, and the fact I am in the legend listings and have played in it, though not been in the top 70, as a TL.  It's even possible that you already have enough points to qualify at Legend especially if some of those above you are promoted to TL.

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