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Is a high number for meter speed slow or fast?

Mon, Feb 5 2024 11:55 PM (47 replies)
  • cedriccicada
    18 Posts
    Sat, Nov 22 2014 9:11 AM

    I am completely confused by meter speeds.  I found one thread in which someone asked how meter speed is controlled, and the answers were either vague or completely confusing.  So, I'll begin with a very simple question:  Is a high number for meter speed mean the meter speed is faster or slower than a lower number?  Will a club with a 5.0 meter speed give me a faster or slower meter than a club with a 4.0 speed?

    Thank you very much.


  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sat, Nov 22 2014 2:37 PM

     Will a club with a 5.0 meter speed give me a faster or slower meter than a club with a 4.0 speed?


    Slower with clubs & balls

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Nov 23 2014 5:48 PM


    I am completely confused by meter speeds.  I found one thread in which someone asked how meter speed is controlled, and the answers were either vague or completely confusing.  So, I'll begin with a very simple question:  Is a high number for meter speed mean the meter speed is faster or slower than a lower number?  Will a club with a 5.0 meter speed give me a faster or slower meter than a club with a 4.0 speed?

    Thank you very much.



    there is no way to tell for sure since different clubs/balls have different speeds. 


  • cedriccicada
    18 Posts
    Sun, Nov 23 2014 6:02 PM

    No.  The question is not that complicated, nor is it that indeterminate.  Driver A has a rating of 5.0.  Driver B has a rating of 4.0.  The player is using starter balls for both.  Every other thing that could affect meter speed is identical.  Will Driver A or Driver B give the slower meter speed?


  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Sun, Nov 23 2014 6:10 PM

    Best ignore Icon's inability to answer a simple question in this case ;-) 

    WGT confusingly describes the club and ball specs as meter speed, so it is logical to think of a higher number being a higher speed. This is not the case though. Think of the spec as meter slowness, so the higher numbers give you more slowness.

  • Coyote37
    143 Posts
    Sun, Nov 23 2014 6:43 PM

    Yep, higher the # slower the meter speed.


  • cyrusthegreat
    86 Posts
    Thu, Nov 27 2014 9:24 AM

    Like all the other specs, higher numbers are better. :)

  • tanneralis
    419 Posts
    Thu, Nov 27 2014 2:23 PM

    I think the whole meter speed thing is back to should be slow at hack and gradually get faster as you go up through the tiers..............once you're a tour legend the meter speed is max...none of this clubs or balls slowing the meter down.......all the show ponies in this game should toughen up.


  • TopShelf2010
    10,968 Posts
    Sat, Nov 29 2014 4:44 PM


  • cedriccicada
    18 Posts
    Sat, Nov 29 2014 6:36 PM

    Now that you mention it, that makes sense to me.
