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Tournament Withdraw

rated by 0 users
Sat, Dec 6 2014 2:03 PM (6 replies)
  • Anymouse
    3 Posts
    Sun, Nov 23 2014 12:07 PM

    I go to check the status of a tournament and find the next round has started.  Then go to change balls and return only to find I've got a WD.  What the heck is going on?  I did not withdraw and this happens over and over again.  Can't finish a tourney.

    Any ideas? 

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Nov 23 2014 8:57 PM
    I guess you timed out. They won't wait for you.
  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Nov 24 2014 11:11 AM


    I go to check the status of a tournament and find the next round has started.  Then go to change balls and return only to find I've got a WD.  What the heck is going on?  I did not withdraw and this happens over and over again.  Can't finish a tourney.

    Any ideas? 


    could you provide more details on what you did... as many details as possible please.


  • Anymouse
    3 Posts
    Tue, Nov 25 2014 4:07 PM

    After completing a round in bracket I returned to see if all others in the round had completed.  They had.
    I returned later to find the next round was open for play.  I did not begin the round.  I did back out, changed equipment, then returned to play only to find that I was WD.  This has happened a few times.
    In two or more of these tourneys I've found that only one player advanced and all others had WD.  Of a 16 player tourney, the second round leaves 8 and 7 had WD.
    Not a coincidence.


  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Tue, Nov 25 2014 4:20 PM

    I returned later to find the next round was open for play.  I did not begin the round.  I did back out, changed equipment, then returned to play only to find that I was WD.

    So a couple of things, if they were a speed bracket you may have come and checked while the timer was towards the end.  What did you mean back out?  Did you look at the bracket or did you enter the round and just not hit a shot?


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Tue, Nov 25 2014 4:50 PM

    You can`t start the round and then quit and change equipment. Once you hit Play, you have to finish a single play round or forfeit . You can save the game, but you can`t change the equipment.

  • Anymouse
    3 Posts
    Sat, Dec 6 2014 2:03 PM

    It must have been a speed bracket because I thought there was at least 24 hours between rounds.
     I realize you can't swap equipment once you start.

    Thanks to all with helpful input.