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Tour Legend greens & wind

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Wed, Nov 26 2014 11:54 AM (18 replies)
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  • jiggsie
    478 Posts
    Tue, Nov 25 2014 6:58 PM

    Just checking on a comment made to me from a Tour Legend - he said that not only does the green speed change when you become a Tour Legend but so does the wind. The wind is stronger for a Tour Legend.  Is this true? Thank You

  • micheldess
    819 Posts
    Tue, Nov 25 2014 8:29 PM

    I'm not a tour legend (well in  few days i will be lol), but i think for the rank round, matchplay the wind is more important when you  arrive at tour legend tier. And for the green, you're right, when they play, rank round, matchplay or alternate, they have automatic championship 13.

    One other thing, if you are a tier below, hack, amateur, pro, tour pro, master, tour master or legend and play whit tour legend guy  an alternate or matchplay  game you will play with the same condition the tour legend players have (the wind little bit faster  and championship 13).

    Michel, still weak english but most of the time  everybody understand me lol

  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Tue, Nov 25 2014 11:12 PM


    Just checking on a comment made to me from a Tour Legend - he said that not only does the green speed change when you become a Tour Legend but so does the wind. The wind is stronger for a Tour Legend.  Is this true? Thank You

    Part of the statement is true...the greens are 13. The winds are the same as everyone else's, unless you play a tournament or game set specificaly with heavy winds. The standard wind-set is Moderate for TL.

    Whoever told you this is, well...BS'ing you, Jiggsie

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Nov 25 2014 11:27 PM

    As per above and:

    I have not seen any low wind free comps like you would get at legend.  People sometimes compare free comp scores without realising the L is "no wind" (quoted as that's a small discussion in itself), and the TL has the wind.  Nothing to worry really, and the red tee brigade would not be looking there anyway - especially the single play.

  • micheldess
    819 Posts
    Wed, Nov 26 2014 12:13 AM



    Just checking on a comment made to me from a Tour Legend - he said that not only does the green speed change when you become a Tour Legend but so does the wind. The wind is stronger for a Tour Legend.  Is this true? Thank You

    Part of the statement is true...the greens are 13. The winds are the same as everyone else's, unless you play a tournament or game set specificaly with heavy winds. The standard wind-set is Moderate for TL.

    Whoever told you this is, well...BS'ing you, Jiggsie

    No, the wind is stronger for  tour legend 

    If i play  an alternate or matchplay  game and i'm the higher  rank  tier  i see less wind  in the game, if i play with a tour legend  the same game the wind is stronger


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Wed, Nov 26 2014 12:20 AM

    It is true, the faster you have your greens the more wind you get  :)

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Wed, Nov 26 2014 12:29 AM

    The only competition I know the answer for this is the weekly uneven lie 18 and it's the other way round,  Legends have moderate wind and for TL's the wind is always low.

  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Wed, Nov 26 2014 12:41 AM

    No, the wind is stronger for  tour legend 

    I am a TL..our wind sets are MODERATE. Period. Unless you're in a game with heavy wind set.

    What are strong winds to you? 15, 20? That's Moderate. Explain to us what YOU mean by stronger winds, please. 30 mph are stronger winds to me.

    Jiggsie's question had nothing to do with comps, or MP, Micheldess. It was a tier specific question because some TL told him we play heavy winds (stronger) and faster greens (we do play faster greens).

    See Jimbo's comment above.

    When you play anybody higher tiered than yourself, the greens default to the higher tier player, i.e. if a Hack plays a Master, greens default to Very Fast and Master vs. TM, greens are 11 Tournament and so on.

  • micheldess
    819 Posts
    Wed, Nov 26 2014 12:45 AM


    No, the wind is stronger for  tour legend 

    I am a TL..our wind sets are MODERATE. Period. Unless you're in a game with heavy wind set.

    What are strong winds to you? 15, 20? That's Moderate.

    Talk to me when you play 30 mph winds.

    If you play an alternate or matchplay game you have always your condition of play the tour legend condition you can't compare other version.

    Me i can compare because if i'm the higher rank in the game the wind is lower than when a tour legend is involve  in the same game lol

  • ostfriedel
    2,052 Posts
    Wed, Nov 26 2014 1:00 AM

    Well, as a TL I have made this expieriences:

    On the greens it`s like putting on glass and the windspeed is like a decent tornado.

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