WGTdbloshoe: I just stated that there are more players in the game then just the ones on the forums.
Yes you did state this- and if 1000 players participate in the forums and there are 7 million players - percentage wise this gives the forum users little or no say.
Now my thoughts were the Forum is the ONLY place we can voice our opinions. If I write an email to CS with a suggestion, they email back and say "use the forum".
So where the heck are you getting this "positive feedback" on the CC Clashes? PM's, wall posts, because they sure are not in the forums.
The most fundamental aspect MUST be to be fair - this has not been addressed and IMHO, no clash should have been contemplated until this was rectified.
But this is not about being fair and equitable - it is simply about making money. If the clashes were popular, you would see an increase in ball usage - but not only that players need to purchase passes as well.
Until those two aspects are fixed, I will not play a clash game, and would urge others to do the same.
But to stubbornly push on without listening (and oh, I simply do not believe you have got positive feedback) is stupidity.
I admire your loyalty DB and your openness, but this is one you should have sat out - this was Pizzaesque.