We're now 2 weeks into this latest cash grab, and it look's as if WGT's stance will be to say they're looking into this matter, but probably with their eyes pointed up their (you fill in the blanks.) I don't necessarily need the views I haven't redeemed to continue buying balls and playing, but have decided that purchasing anything from the Pro Shop is over with, in a show of support towards those that do need them. Once the redemption problems solved I'll go back to my normal 1500 to 2000 credits a week expenditures, for balls and an occasional pass for myself, plus gifted passes and balls.
My bags full of free balls, I get 2 free passes a day to help my CC, and at the moment only have one comp to complete, using my normal level 61 Nike balls. I'm asking any decent person to join in and hit the beast in the proverbial belly, and stop spending and contributing to the greedy tyrants fat wallet. I'm sure there will be plenty of naysayers who could care less about this matter, but as a product of the 60's I've never backed down from standing up for what I believe is right. With or without the support of others, I'll follow this through, and at least I'll clean out most of the trash balls in my bag.
Shoot low and keep the faith --- Peace --- Ed