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Nerdy thread

Wed, Jun 5 2024 8:53 AM (97 replies)
  • ScottHope
    10,672 Posts
    Sat, Feb 17 2024 2:14 AM

    If tap A can fill a bath in 30 minutes, and tap B can fill the same bath in 45 minutes, and a full bath will empty in 20 minutes if the plug is removed, how long will the bath take to fill if both taps are on and the plug is removed?

    Quoted from my post in 'Who will have the last word', the clue to solving this is with fractions.

    (resize handle bottom right)

    To simplify, if the bath could be filled in say, 2 minutes, then it follows that in one minute half the bath will fill.

    Tap A can fill the bath in 30 minutes. So, in one minute, 1/30th of the bath will fill.

    Tap B can fill the bath in 45 minutes. So, in one minute, 1/45th of the bath will fill.

    With the plug out, a full bath will empty in 20 minutes. So, in one minute, 1/20th of the bath will empty.

    To start with, I'll work out how long it would take to fill the bath with both taps on and the plug in.

    Adding the bath tap fractions, in one minute, 1/30 + 1/45 of the bath will fill. To add fractions you need a common bottom number (the denominator). A common denominator for those fractions is 90, something that will be divisible by both 30 and 45...

    1/30 = 3/90

    1/45 = 2/90

    3/90 + 2/90 = 5/90

    So it follows that in one minute, both taps fill 5/90ths of the bath.

    So, to find out how many minutes it will take to fill the bath I need to work out how many 5/90ths of a bath are in one bath. There are 90 1/90ths in one bath, so it follows that there must be 18 5/90ths in one bath, 90 ÷ 5 = 18. 18 minutes to fill the bath with both taps on.

    Can you work out how long it will take to fill the bath if both taps are on and the plug is out?

  • craigswan
    32,342 Posts
    Sat, Feb 17 2024 8:31 AM
    If the plug is out - never .
  • ScottHope
    10,672 Posts
    Sat, Feb 17 2024 9:02 AM

    That might be the case in the real world Craig, but this is one of those hypothetical baths. 8 )

    Might I be right in saying that you can neither scroll or expand my blue box on your iPad?

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Sat, Feb 17 2024 9:35 AM

    On an iPad, it’s scrollable. 

  • ScottHope
    10,672 Posts
    Sat, Feb 17 2024 9:48 AM

    Thanks Robert. I probably shouldn't do what I do, but it's my way of learning stuff, much to the annoyance of everyone else.

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Sat, Feb 17 2024 12:26 PM

    Hey, if people are annoyed by you, then they've got some serious issues to deal with. 😀

    Besides, if you want to truly see what annoying people look like, I have some colleagues I could introduce you to. 😉

  • ScottHope
    10,672 Posts
    Sat, Feb 17 2024 1:21 PM

    Besides, if you want to truly see what annoying people look like, I have some colleagues I could introduce you to. 😉

    Aha, I had some of those too. Fortunately, I have since moved on to somewhere a little less crowded.

    Cheers Rob.  ; )

  • SamSpayed
    5,066 Posts
    Sat, Feb 17 2024 1:50 PM


    If tap A can fill a bath in 30 minutes, and tap B can fill the same bath in 45 minutes, and a full bath will empty in 20 if the plug is removed, how long will the bath take to fill if both taps are on and the plug is removed?

    180 minutes

  • ScottHope
    10,672 Posts
    Sat, Feb 17 2024 4:01 PM

    Correct. Well done Sam.  ; )

    ...and just to show how it's done.

    Tap A fills 1/30th of bath per minute,

    Tap B fills 1/45th of bath per minute,

    Plug removed empties bath at the rate of 1/20th of bath per minute,

    Combining all those fractions together,

    1/30 + 1/45 - 1/20 = 6/180 + 4/180 - 9/180 (giving all the fractions a common denominator)

    6/180 + 4/180 - 9/180 = 1/180

    Bath fills at the rate of 1/180th of bath per minute,

    Therefore it takes 180 minutes to fill, or 3 hours.

    Class dismissed.  : )

  • gonfission
    2,267 Posts
    Sun, Feb 18 2024 12:49 AM


    ...and just to show how it's done.

    Tap A fills 1/30th of bath per minute,

    Tap B fills 1/45th of bath per minute,

    Plug removed empties bath at the rate of 1/20th of bath per minute,

    Combining all those fractions together,

    1/30 + 1/45 - 1/20 = 6/180 + 4/180 - 9/180 (giving all the fractions a common denominator)

    6/180 + 4/180 - 9/180 = 1/180

    Bath fills at the rate of 1/180 per minute,

    Therefore it takes 180 minutes to fill, or three hours.


    My achy breaky brain................................Oh the humanity

    So, you're driving a bus, 1st stop 6 people board. cruising on to 2nd stop, 8 people board, 3 get off. 3rd stop 14 people board, 7 get off. 4th stop 8 people off, 8 board.......

    What's the bus drivers name?