started 5 rounds in 2 1/2 hours, 3 were 4somes, only one finished, with 2 players.when i started about the only ones who quit were masters trying to protect?, thier ranking, (to what end?). now it is everybody. we need a system to recognize these people. wgt could keep track of it, they track everything else. put a dot for each unfinished game behind thier present average, until 5, then another symbol notating groups of 5, until maybe 50, and another symbol, and so on (ad infinium) simular to roman numerals. then we as individuals can chose whether or not to join the group. it dosen't matter why a round goes unfinshed, because in the long run those habitual quitters will be identified. thank you, now if only wgt will assist us in this a lot of grumbling would go away..... my 2 cents.