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Green Fees & Vouchers

rated by 0 users
Thu, Dec 4 2014 8:24 AM (2 replies)
  • ReisR
    341 Posts
    Thu, Dec 4 2014 5:47 AM

    1) One thing that I would like to see is the ability for the host to pay the green fees of other players. This would probably increase the number of times Cabo and Chateau are played.

    I think this already been suggested by someone else some while ago. Are there any plans to introduce this option?

    2) Sometimes I gift equipment or sleeves to other players. But it is not always easy to know what players need or want.

    How about introducing gift vouchers? For example. If I could gift a voucher of 1000 credits  this would allow a player to spend them in the ProShop. And if the item is more expensive then that amount, she/he could pay for the remaining.



  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Dec 4 2014 7:40 AM
    Number one is a good idea. Number two would be welcomed by multi accounters, so probably won't happen.
  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Thu, Dec 4 2014 8:24 AM

    I don't mind the idea of gifting passes to premium courses, but anyone who ever thinks that a cross-account credit transfer in any form or function will happen is seriously deluding themselves.  As CF stated, that would be exploited to levels that would make your head swim.

    There are already multi-accounters out there who can siphon to their main accounts, but at least they have minimal parameters.