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UPDATE: Virtual Tour Championship Round 1 ends today

Mon, Dec 8 2014 4:31 PM (13 replies)
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  • WGTwildcat
    648 Posts
    Fri, Dec 5 2014 7:36 PM

    Qualifiers in the WGT Virtual Tour Championship, be sure to post your round 1 scores by the end of today, 12/5.

    See Championship leaderboards

    Here's where the Round 1 leaders stand...

    • Tour Legend - tinybo leads at 52, 6 players are tied at 53, and 13 players are tied at 54
    • Legend - MyCorona leads at 54, arielgongon at 55, and 8 players are tied at 56
    • Tour Master - shagadelic and onthegrind lead at 56, 3 players are tied at 57, and 3 players are tied at 58
    • Master - borondon, SwenCaserio, DelaPoutine and geeberwocky all tied at 58, and 5 players are tied at 59
    • Tour Pro - jmbeanball and mulligan46 tied at 55, 3 players tied at 58
    • Pro - BigBlockVettes leads at 57, 2 players are tied at 61 it's a very close competition across all tiers.

    In order to be eligible for the Championship prizes, players must post Round 1 by the end of today Fri 12/5, so they can play Round 2 (12/6-12/8), which is a more challenging single-play round in tougher conditions on Pinehurst No. 2. The top 70 players in each tier will split the 5 million credit purse based on their combined scores from Round 1 and Round 2.

    Then, the Top 4 Tour Legends will compete in a final round, on a brand new WGT course, from 12/11 to 12/14, for another 5 million credit purse. Those 4 Tour Legends will also need to stream their final rounds on Twitch for other WGT players to watch live.

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Sat, Dec 6 2014 12:07 AM

    Indeed, some qualificants have been too late for the party.

    These are some stats on participation after closure of the first round
    (): 12-04, 5:30 am PST

    Further to the entries and scores, I had a look how the respective
    three VT leaders are faring in the VTC.

    Tour Legend tier:
    62 (52) entries, scores 52 - 62.
    The former leader has retired, the others are one and three shots off.

    Legend tier:
    50 (45) entries, score 54 - 65.
    The 3 leaders are a few strokes off (all still Legends).

    Tour Master tier:
    46 (39) entries, scores 56 - 69.
    VT leader is leader again, 2 of 3 have played (all Legends). The third is active but not in the VTC.

    Master tier:
    37 (35) entries, scores 58 - 72.
    Two VT leaders (TMs) are joint leaders again, one (M) hasn't played for months.

    Tour Pro tier:
    32 (25) entries, scores 55 - 73
    2 of 3 leaders (all Legends) have played to 2nd and 3rd place,
    one (who's happy reputation has been discussed here) has not entered though he is active.

    Pro tier:
    18 (14) entries, scores 57 - 80.
    One of the Tour leaders fares well as a Master, is 2nd against a Legend,
    one is active as a Legend but not in the Championship.
    The third, who has/was(?) advanced from Pro to a lvl68 Legend
    in April while playing on the VT, hasn't played since May.

    These 18 Pro tier entries share 75% of the nominal purse of 32,500 cr. Now, they get their share of the uncovered credits, and the winner will receive 7,753 instead of 5,850 cr.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Dec 6 2014 1:03 AM

    Nothing against anybody competing,  but Legends in a Pro Tier just doesn't sit well with me.

    As I said, nothing against them,  Next years rules might have to be changed me thinks


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Dec 6 2014 1:17 AM
    One of those moved up to Legend in September and scored a 58 yesterday as a Tour Pro. Surely WGT can see that there's something slightly unfair there.
  • Lizard69
    2,006 Posts
    Sat, Dec 6 2014 2:39 AM

    Best thing about reading this thread is "playing on a brand new WGT course"

    I SOOO hope its Pebble beach :-)

  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Sat, Dec 6 2014 10:53 PM

    I hope as well that round two won't take back the high percentage of withdraws as happened on the US Virtual Open, I could have been there to play instead see players quit.

  • Wontonamo
    2,269 Posts
    Sat, Dec 6 2014 11:28 PM

    so out of 70 qualifiers per tier these finished round 1 :

    62 Tour Legends, 51 Legends, 46 Tour Masters, 37 Masters, 32 Tour Pros, 18 Pros.

    so out of 420 supposed qualifiers, 246 turned up for round 1.

    thats a 58.6% turn out for wgts biggest end of year tournament.

    these numbers seem low for any reason/s?

    wonder what happened to the absentees, did they not get their reminder note?


  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Sun, Dec 7 2014 1:40 AM

    What gets me is why someone would withdraw their score from the Tour Championship ...

    My gosh ... there were only 70 qualificants in your tier, and WGT pays out to 70th place!

    The 70th place finisher (if there was one) in Legend Tier would have received 250 credits, and because no tier had 100% participation, the share of the prize pool awarded to each finishing  entrant will be even larger ...

    As to the low turn out Tom, in at least two cases that I know of, they are disabled accounts. I suspect another one at least was a multi who quit when they were tiered up to TL... 

    Two or three in Legend tier have been known to take entended times off from playing and I'm supposing that a few were just too busy with non-virtual pursuits. 

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Sun, Dec 7 2014 3:20 AM

    Then, the Top 4 Tour Legends will compete in a final round, on a brand new WGT course, from 12/11 to 12/14, for another 5 million credit purse. Those 4 Tour Legends will also need to stream their final rounds on Twitch for other WGT players to watch live.

    1. Are we going to know in advance who the 4 TL's will be (that will twitch, because I'm pretty certain it won't be "the" Top 4 finishers)?

    2. Will we know, in advance, what their twitch names are, so those of us who want to watch, can subscribe, and be notified?

    3. Will the time(s) these 4 TL's play their live round be known in advance?

    4. For those who may not be able to watch "live", will the rounds be recorded (just one extra click on the OBS) so they can watch later?

    Thank you, in advance,


  • turfsand
    1,773 Posts
    Sun, Dec 7 2014 5:12 AM

    four very good questions jayw4862

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